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  1. P

    Pak Govt is Privatizing These 70 Companies and Entities

    The Cabinet Committee on Privatization has approved 70 different public sector enterprises for privatization. Among these, 43 have been included in the “Early Implementation” program. Presumably the entities included in the Early Implementation program will be privatized within the next few...
  2. P

    Who is the judiciary accountable to?

    The US constitution is the longest surviving constitution in the world. Drafted for a democracy, it provides for the separation of power between the executive, legislature and judiciary to ensure accountability and check misuse of power. This separation of powers between the three pillars of...
  3. P

    I'm PakBlood, an aspiring political scientist & writer.

    Hi,I'm PakBlood, I am an 18 year old student and I have had an interest in international affairs, politics and modern history.I've been following this forum for several years now and decided to finally start letting out my ideas and opinions. I'll start off by answering a few introductory...
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