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  1. sady

    Bye India-Russia relations

    http://m.firstpost.com/india/heart-of-asia-realignments-india-afghanistan-in-open-courtship-as-russia-falls-by-wayside-3140492.html In diplomacy, the subtext is often as important as the text. As the sixth edition of the annual Heart of Asia Conference came to a close on Sunday, between the...
  2. sady

    Nagrota attack: Stop meaningless debate on surgical strikes and focus on security lapses

    http://m.firstpost.com/india/nagrota-attacks-stop-meaningless-debate-on-surgical-strikes-and-focus-on-security-lapses-3132368.html The Nagrota attack has expectedly given rise to questions on the efficacy of India's surgical strikes. The Indian Army, which took another major hit with two of its...
  3. sady

    Chinese naval ships at Gwadar port call for a rethink of India's regional policy

    http://www.dawn.com/news/1298977/chinese-naval-ships-at-gwadar-port-call-for-a-rethink-of-indias-regional-policy The transformation of Gwadar port as a base for Chinese Navy ships was long expected, but when media reports actually appeared on Friday to that effect, it was startling news for...
  4. sady

    The India problem, Cyril Almeida's pointing finger at Pakistan establishment for URI!

    http://www.dawn.com/news/1285901/the-india-problem TRY this one for a conspiracy theory. Two months ago, on July 8 to be precise, the Indians did something stupid in the Valley: they killed Burhan Wani. Stupid not because Pakistan says so, but because many Indians themselves did: killing a...
  5. sady

    The Indo-US alliance

    http://www.dawn.com/news/1252498/the-indo-us-alliance The Indo-US alliance MUNIR AKRAM — The writer is a former Pakistan ambassador to the UN. RECENTLY, US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter reportedly opened a meeting with senior Pakistani military leaders by declaring: “I must tell you, I am a...
  6. sady


    'Turmoil' is a word flashed around quite frequently in recent times. International news without a miss associate it with Pakistan. Pakistan in turmoil! Three words that put innumerable feelings in the heart of a common Pakistani. Feelings of insecurity, anger, hatred, doubt and fore mostly fear...
  7. sady

    Chinoy vs Qadri; Pakistan in the context of Its Inception,Future and In relation to Islam

    This article was written on 14 Aug 2013, The recent rising debate Mumtaz Qadri vs Chinoy is indeed the fight for future of Pakistan, between a stale pseudo Islamic system or pretentious secular/liberal mimicry of western civilization. The answer I think lies in between, the true spirit of...
  8. sady

    Answering friends and foes; Pakistan in the context of Its Inception, Future and In relation to Isla

    This article was written on 14 Aug 2013, The recent rising debate Mumtaz Qadri vs Chinoy is indeed the fight for future of Pakistan, between a stale pseudo Islamic system or pretentious secular/liberal mimicry of western civilization. The answer I think lies in between, the true spirit of...
  9. sady

    Pakistan needs to learn the usage of social media as a tool in the digital war against India

    Pakistan needs to learn the usage of social media as a tool in the digital war against India The most effective tool of war in modern times is social media. Every battle is being fought through propaganda February 24, 2016, 10:48 pm Farah Adeed Pakistan has to accept that “one of the...
  10. sady

    Coming of a new COAS, a Psychoanalyis.

    The army chief recently quelled rumours about his extension in service however in doing so has raised even more questions and uncertainties. It is no doubt a decision of a professional soldier, selfless and an honorable person who understands the personality versus institution quagmire. This has...
  11. sady

    Explaining my Faith to an increasigly Hostile World

    "The only good bug is a dead bug". Many years after hearing these words for the first time in a futuristic flick I am reminded once again of the line going through message boards post Paris attack. Today's western world views Islam as the center point of the problem. There is no point beating...
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