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  1. Brickwall

    India sheds light on new Air Launched Anti-Tank Missile Development

    Inda’s DRDO has revealed that it has conducted captive flight trials of a new missile called ” SANT ” ( Stand-off Anti-tank ) Missile from IAF’s Mi-35 Hind Attack Helicopters Successfully this year but refused to reveal more information on the missile. SANT Missile has been developed by DRDO’s...
  2. Brickwall

    China ramps up the pressure on India ahead of possible meeting of foreign ministers

    China ramps up the pressure on India ahead of possible meeting of foreign ministers PUBLISHED : Friday, 04 August, 2017, 10:17am UPDATED : Saturday, 05 August, 2017, 4:50am News›China›Diplomacy & Defence Catherine Wong catherine.wong@scmp.com Top diplomats from both sides scheduled to attend...
  3. Brickwall

    China seen as blinking while impasse with India continues

    TOKYO -- Jingoistic frustrations surrounding the extended military standoff between China and India in the Himalayas threaten to undermine the influence of Chinese President Xi Jinping, who himself rose to power amid a nationalistic wave five years ago. When world powers collide China held a...
  4. Brickwall

    Merger of Gilgit-Baltistan Means Stabbing Kashmiris in the Back

    Recent news reports from Pakistan suggest that the Nawaz government is mulling the merger of Gilgit-Baltistan with the federation of Pakistan. Such a measure on part of Islamabad would have serious consequences for the rest of Kashmir because it would set a precedent for India to merge Kashmir...
  5. Brickwall

    Let us skip Pakistani airspace, airlines request Centre

    Indian carriers are increasingly seeking the government's nod to fly to the Gulf from western India (mainly Ahmedabad) over the Arabian Sea to avoid the circuitous route over Pakistan. Security fears due to deteriorating India-Pakistan ties as well as economic factors are driving the requests...
  6. Brickwall

    How to counter tactical nukes?

    How should India respond to Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons? This question has regained importance in the light of Pakistan’s foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhry’s recent remarks justifying tactical nuclear weapons as a means to deter India from launching a conventional war. In the realm of...
  7. Brickwall

    India’s Own MALE UAV To Fly Soon

    The Rustom-2 medium altitude long endurance (MALE) unmanned air vehicle (UAV) designed by India’sDefense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) will make its first flight by early next month. Delayed by around two years, Rustom-2 “is at an advanced state of readiness,” according to Ashok...
  8. Brickwall

    Offtopic derailment

    Since last week i have been banned from Indian Defence forum, can i know which of my post was considered so offensive to ban me.
  9. Brickwall

    China military training inadequate for winning a war: Army paper

    Beijing: Weaknesses in China`s military training pose a threat to the country`s ability to fight and win a war, China`s official military newspaper said on Sunday. China`s military authority has sent a document to military units detailing 40 weaknesses in current training People`s Liberation...
  10. Brickwall

    Why India's recent response to Pakistan's ceasefire violation is a welcome change

    Last week, the Pakistani Army started shelling Indian positions along the Line of Control - the de facto border between India and Pakistan. This is a customary tactic for aiding terrorists to cross over fromPakistan- occupied Kashmir into India. What was not usual, however, was India's response...
  11. Brickwall

    Centre’s bullet-for-bullet policy lifts morale of forces

    Just hundred metres from the international border (IB), a BSF company prepares to take positions in concrete bunkers as dusk sets in. Company commander Jerin Varghese begins to brief his men. “Last night you fired very well. Keep it up. Goli ka jawab goli se dena hai (We must respond to every...
  12. Brickwall

    Russia cannot be a mere spectator to India-China disputes

    September turned out to be a complex time for Indian-Chinese relations. On the one hand, India and China held successful talks that culminated in President Xi Jinping’s trip to India. In a joint statement signed by the leaders of the two governments, security issues were agreed to on equal terms...
  13. Brickwall

    ISRO to Launch Third IRNSS Satellite on October 16

    NEW DELHI: ISRO will launch the third of seven satellites of its ambitious navigation system IRNSS on October 16, the space agency said today. IRNSS-1C, the third satellite of the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) will be launched with the help of Polar Satellite Launch...
  14. Brickwall

    HAL fast-tracks indigenous light combat chopper project

    NEW DELHI: Seeking to fast-track indigenous attack chopper production, the state-owned PSU HAL has invested over Rs 150 crore more for building another two prototypes of the Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) which will help in early completion of the programme. "We have invested Rs 150 crore more...
  15. Brickwall

    Pakistan lodges protest with UN over Indian cross-border shelling

    ISLAMABAD, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan on Tuesday lodged protest with a UN observer group over Indian cross-border shelling which has killed five civilians in two days, the military said. Officials say that four civilians were killed on Monday and one woman died and nine injured along the...
  16. Brickwall

    Foreign policy: a case of increasing isolation?

    Pakistan’s beleaguered Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, while addressing an all-parties conference in early August, said that Pakistan was becoming isolated and other than China, it had no real friends in the region. This statement was lost in the media hype that followed in the wake of ‘operation...
  17. Brickwall

    Finmeccanica ready to pay penalty to repair ties

    India may have barred Finmeccanica from future military contracts amid bribery allegations against its subsidiary AgustaWestland in the VVIP chopper deal, but the Italian defence group is nurturing hopes of making a comeback. The state-controlled firm is prepared to put a new proposal on the...
  18. Brickwall

    Hope govt takes quick decision on naming COSC chairman: IAF chief

    New Delhi: The government should take a quick decision on the appointment of a permanent chairman for theChiefs of Staff Committee(COSC) as all the three service chiefs have approved the proposal regarding the same,Indian Air ForcechiefArup Rahasaid on Saturday. "There is confluence in our...
  19. Brickwall

    BSF tells Pakistan Rangers not to fire along International Border

    Amid frequent violations ofceasefireby Pakistan, the BSF on Saturday told Pakistani rangers not to fire along the International Border (IB) as "it is not good for general public of both the sides". "We have told them (Pak Rangers) in the morning (during patrolling) don't fire it is not good for...
  20. Brickwall

    Should Russia worry about Modi's U.S. visit?

    Does the Russian Government need to worry about the just-concluded visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United States? This is not an easy question to answer, it seems. At first glance, the development of relations between India and the United States applies only to those two...
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