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    India completes 'nuclear triad' with INS Arihant

    India completes 'nuclear triad' with INS Arihant In an exclusive information accessed by NewsX, India in its mission to empower its navy has joined "Nuclear triad" club of superpowers who can launch nukes from air, land & air. In February 2016, India's 1st indigenously built nuclear armed...
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    Following remittances, exports also fall

    Following remittances, exports also fall After remittances, exports also nosedived to just $4.7 billion in first quarter of the current fiscal year, setting alarm bells ringing over an anticipated surge in the country’s external financing needs to meet international debt obligations and foot...
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    Crossing a red line

    Crossing a red line On the night of September 28, close to 100 specially trained operators exhaled gently as they lay in wait at multiple locations across the Line of Control. The moon had waned to a thin, near-invisible crescent. Until H-hour, the cutting edge of the Indian army's Parachute...
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    Japan, India to sign nuclear cooperation deal in November: report

    Japan, India to sign nuclear cooperation deal in November: report Japan and India are likely to sign a civil nuclear cooperation pact during a visit to Japan by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in mid-November, the Mainichi newspaper reported on Saturday. The governments of Asia's...
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    Cartosat-Images used by IA for first time

    Surgical Strikes: First major use of Cartosat images for Army In what's being described as the first major use of the Cartosat family of satellites, the last one (2c) launched in June this year, sources in Isro said that the armed forces were aided by high-resolution images for the surgical...
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    NPS controversy: RTE is a sectarian legislation which needs to be repealed

    NPS controversy: RTE is a sectarian legislation which needs to be repealed MoHRD needs to realize that institutions which take generations to build can be destroyed by its actions in a matter of years. Journalists and academics have for some time now, devoted numerous articles towards...
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    Baloch separatist leader to formally seek asylum in India this month

    Baloch separatist leader to formally seek asylum in India this month Brahumdagh Bugti, the President of the Baloch Republican Party (BRP) will formally seek asylum in India later this month, he has told The News Minute (TNM). This move comes after weeks of consultations with members of the BRP...
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    Rio Paralympics: Mariyappan Thangavelu wins gold, Varun Bhati clinches bronze in men's high jump

    Rio Paralympics: Mariyappan Thangavelu wins gold, Varun Bhati clinches bronze in men's high jump It was double jubilation for India early on Saturday morning whenMariyappan Thangavelu soared to a gold medal and compatriot Varun Singh Bhaticlinched the bronze medal in the men's high jump T-42...
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    India can do a lot for Balochistan, says Khan of Kalat

    India can do a lot for Balochistan, says Khan of Kalat A quiet, leafy suburb in this capital of Wales is far removed from the fire and brimstone of everyday life in Balochistan, but there is clearly a frisson in one terraced house since Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke of rights violations...
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    MQM chief Altaf Hussain calls Pakistan ‘cancer for entire world’

    MQM chief Altaf Hussain calls Pakistan ‘cancer for entire world’ Authorities cracked down on the most powerful political party in the financial hub of Karachi and filed a treason case against its leader Altaf Hussain on Tuesday after he described Pakistan as a “cancer for the entire world”...
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    Baloch leaders booked for 'support' of Modi's comments: police

    Baloch leaders booked for 'support' of Modi's comments: police Five cases were registered against separatist Baloch leaders Brahamdagh Bugti, Harbiyar Marri and Banuk Karima Baloch for allegedly supporting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statements on Balochistan, police said. The cases...
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    ISRO sets the ball rolling for Mars Mission-2

    ISRO sets the ball rolling for Mars Mission-2 A second Indian Mars orbiting mission plan has just been set in motion. Nearly three years after it launched a world record making MOM (Mars Orbiter Mission) the Indian Space Research Organisation has invited Indian planetary scientists from the...
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    Policy makeover? PM may skip NAM meet in Venezuela

    Policy makeover? PM may skip NAM meet in Venezuela Bang in the middle of speculation that India's foreign policy is undergoing a makeover, government sources said PM Narendra Modi was unlikely to attend the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Venezuela next month. Sources said the Centre has...
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    I am 20 (1967): Indians born on 15 Aug 1947 turning 20 speak about India- hopes,dreams etc

    Not sure if this has been posted before. A nice 20 minute documentary from 1967 by the films Division of India (I&B ministry), on people who were born on Aug 15th 1947, asking them about their country, the state of things, and their hopes and dreams about the future. Interesting how many things...
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    India expels three Chinese state media journalists amid strained bilateral ties

    India expels three Chinese state media journalists amid strained bilateral ties India has expelled three journalists of the Chinese official news agency, Xinhua, by refusing to renew their visas to work in the country, a move that could worsen the already strained relations between the two...
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    More Than 100 Chinese Muslims Have Joined the Islamic State

    Report: More Than 100 Chinese Muslims Have Joined the Islamic State Leaked ISIS documents suggest that Uighur fighters are seeking a new home and a sense of belonging. Chinese state-backed media has claimed that 300 Chinese Muslims are fighting with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, and...
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    Suspected ISIS recruiter's home raided in Tirupur by IB officials

    Suspected ISIS recruiter's home raided in Tirupur by IB officials TIRUPUR: A group of officials, believed to be from the Intelligence Bureau, searched the house of alleged ISIS recruiter Mohammad Moshiruddin (25) in Tirupur early on Wednesday morning, and picked up his wife, their daughters...
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    Spain holds three Pakistani brothers for promoting extremism

    Spain holds three Pakistani brothers for promoting extremism Spanish police arrested today three Pakistani brothers who are suspected of spreading Islamic extremist propaganda via social media networks. Officers detained the men, aged between 25 and 31, in an early morning raid on their home...
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