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  1. SiCiSi

    Syrian conflict based on oil interests. Not civilian concerns.

    Syria intervention plans fuelled by oil interests, not chemical weapon concerns | Nafeez Ahmed | Environment | The Guardian - According to former French foreign minister Roland Dumas, Britain had planned covert action in Syria as early as 2009: "I was in England two years before the violence in...
  2. SiCiSi

    U.S. Admits: We Can’t Protect Syrian Allies From Russia’s Bombs

    U.S. Admits: We Can’t Protect Syrian Allies From Russia’s Bombs - The Daily Beast - “We are not going to shoot Russian airplanes. We are not going to hit their airfields [in Syria]. And we are not going to equip [rebels] with MANPADs,” - The rebels who were attacked are part of a CIA-trained...
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