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    Apple moves Mac Pro production from US to China

    June 28 (Reuters) - Apple Inc is shifting the manufacturing of its new Mac Pro computer to China from the United States as trade tensions between the two nations escalate, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing people familiar with the matter. The tech giant has tapped contractor...
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    Vietnam Have Low Talent

    Vietnam ranks low in global talent index as education underperforms February 12, 2015 Vietnam has been ranked 75 among 93 countries in the Global Talent Competitiveness Index, which measures a nation’s performance based on the quality of talent it can produce, attract and retain. According...
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    Vietnam police arrest 6 for selling 147 women to...

    Vietnamese police have broken up a six-member ring that sold 147 Vietnamese women to China as future wives for men there for up to $13,080 per woman Audio detail
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    The Ugly Vietnamese

    OP-ED: The Ugly Vietnamese | Opinion | Thanh Nien Daily http://www.thanhniennews.com/Uploaded/minhhung/2014_08_13/congcong1_NLWG.jpg?width=840 The number of Vietnamese travelers to foreign countries has grown rapidly over the past several years. Unfortunately, this increase has coincided with...
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    Why is the thread Zionists are Biggest Threat to China locked?

    Mods, You should unlock it. there are no trolling on the thread and it's something new that most Chinese have no idea about it.
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    Zionist Biggest Threat to China

    This is for Chinese posters opinions. Many people in China have no ideas about Zionist infiltration in Chinese society. In fact there are current CCP members who are Zionists. Names like Epstein, Shapiro should ring a belt. You do know that Communist was a Jewish invention. Thousands of...
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