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  1. F-16 Viper

    ISIS jihadists opens 'marriage bureau'

    The Islamic State, which advocates public stoning for adultery, has opened a “marriage bureau” for women who want to wed its fighters in territory they control in Syria and Iraq. — File photo by Reuters ____________________________________________________________________________________ BEIRUT...
  2. F-16 Viper

    Top 10 Expensive Yacht in the world

    The richest peoples can buy almost whatever they wish of or they desire. In multiples cites, states, countries and continents several luxury homes, lands, hotels.Insanely or extremely expensive lavish carsand the cost of these cars are much more than many people’s condos and houses. Exclusive...
  3. F-16 Viper

    Why Indians are supporting Israel? when their own Leader Mahatma Gandhi was in favour of Palestine.

    Well I have seen many Indians on this forum which are in favour of Israel, except for few. So I am posting this article "The Jews in Palestine" by Mahatma Ghandhi Published in 26-11-1938 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Several letters...
  4. F-16 Viper


    Micro Chip Implant Started March 23, 2013 The New Health Care (Obama care) law H.R. 3590 Also HR 4872 requires all US citizens to have the RIFD implanted This evil plan is being launched by America. its a micro chip injected in your hand. it will contain all your personal data heath and...
  5. F-16 Viper

    Why would PAC not launching new commercial products???

    The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (commonly abbreviated PAC) is a facility used to service, assemble and manufacture aircraft for the Pakistani Armed Forces. Located at Kamra, in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (KAMRA), begun to manufacture some commercial...
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