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    Egypt economy, is there a way out?

    This is a discussion I had intended to open for a while, but RL issues and recent events were in the way. It is no secret that Egypt's economy is in a stark condition, though many may not be aware how much. I am going to post a few articles on the subject, most from before the revolution...
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    All personnel withdrawn from Russian navy base in Syria

    Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister says all personnel had been evacuated from the navy resupply base in Tartus, Syria, adding that not a single Russian military serviceman remained in the country. Mikhail Bogdanov made the announcement in an interview with the Al-Hayat newspaper. “Presently...
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    South Korea pledges 15 pct cut to Iran oil imports-sources

    SEOUL, June 24 (Reuters) - South Korea has pledged to the United States that it will cut imports of Iranian crude by 15 percent in the next six months to secure its next waiver to U.S. sanctions targeting Iran's nuclear programme, two sources told Reuters. U.S. and European measures aimed at...
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    Islamic Jihad severs ties with Hamas, fires rockets against Israel

    AFP - Islamic Jihad severed contacts with the Hamas rulers of Gaza Sunday after a commander in its military wing died of wounds sustained in a police shooting, a leader of the radical group told AFP. "Islamic Jihad today suspended its contacts with Hamas after police opened fire yesterday...
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    Swiss back tighter asylum rules

    Swiss voters have overwhelmingly backed a controversial move to tighten asylum restrictions amid a spike in the number of refugees in the country. Almost 80% of voters approved changes made to the asylum law last September, final results of a referendum said. Under the new rules military...
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    Google set to acquire Israeli start-up Waze for $1.3b

    Sources inform ''Globes'' that Google Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG) will acquire Waze Ltd. for $1.3 billion. The acquisition of the Israeli navigation app and traffic report start-up will be completed after months of reports that Waze would be sold to either Google or Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: FB)...
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    UNDOF to leave Golan Heights

    UNDOF is the UN force that has the mandate to oversee the disengagement of Syrian and Israeli forces past the 1973 war (or 1974 situation). Austria to withdraw Golan Heights peacekeepers over Syrian fighting Austrians account for about 380 of the 1,000-strong UN force monitoring a...
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    Pentagon: First F-35s Operational in 2015

    WASHINGTON — The F-35 joint strike fighter will be operational for the US Marines in December 2015, followed by the Air Force in December 2016 and the Navy in February 2019. The initial operating capacity (IOC) dates were delivered to Congress on May 31 and announced shortly thereafter...
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    Stockholm suburbs enflamed with riots for days

    ‘Multiculturalism failing’: Stockholm suburbs enflamed with riots for days, Swedish PM calls to get neighborhoods ‘back’ Hundreds youths hurling rocks, burning cars and smashing windows for the second day in a row in Stockholm say they are protesting against police brutality and inequality...
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