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    Ex CIA employee leaked information on phone and internet monitoring

    Here is the "source" :omghaha: BBC News - Edward Snowden was NSA Prism leak source - Guardian Ex CIA worker describes how he cant live in a society were everything is recorded! That is the icing on the cake, regardless of what congress or Obama say! LMAO But you Americans will...
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    FBI Kills Man While Questioning

    BBC News - Boston bomb investigators kill Florida man Quiet ludicrous - they kill a man by shooting him in questioning because he became "violent". The FBI agent was taken to hospital for "non" life threatening injuries. They could have CS'd him and restrained him - happens everyday in the...
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    Syria invasion by the West and Zionists

    BBC News - Syria crisis: US rues Russian missiles sent to Damascus Am exactly right, when I say the US and Zionist want a full scale invasion. The above story reports how the US isn't happy about Russia supplying the Syrian Govt and says that a future invasion maybe affected significantly...
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    4 new settlements in West Bank

    Once again the Zionists are breaking international law with their illegal settlements. Funny how the US dont say anything. BBC News - Israel starts process of authorising new West Bank settlement
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    US spy caught in Russia

    As always, another spy is caught in Russia. BBC News - Russia to expel 'CIA agent' in spy recruitment scandal Yet the relations between the 2 countries is not affected. What a dirty game politics is eh? :D I think spying and bombing will be replacing baseball and basketball in the US...
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    Israel "abondons" white phosphorous...yeh right!

    BBC News - Israel 'to stop using white phosphorus shells' All the times they denied it eh? It will take another 50 years for them to admit they killed women and children... and they will "quit" that too...
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    Biased contradictory western media

    This is clearly shown in the current Boston event. When the man wasn't found the police said the city is not safe blah blah until he is found. When they couldnt find him the fat chief gave up and said "it is safe now despite we cant find him" (cos am hungry for donuts and been out here way...
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    Death penalty in US and school massacre killings

    Why is it when someone is executed in the Middle East or elsewhere around the globe the west jumps up and says "oh they are in the stone ages with the death penalty it should be scrapped" yet the country that is supposed to be modern and setting an example should still continue to have the death...
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