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    War for israel

    Many people think that cruaders are thing of past and forever...but they are wrong preparations are being for the final cruasade which is more bloodiest than for all:....philidephia trumpet.The iraq and afghan war is a part of strategy to build up a stronger and greater israel in the heart of...
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    Pentagon-backed BAT DRONE ready for deployment

    A new pentagon backed autonomous BAT DRONE that can be use a long claw to pluck objects off of the ground,is ready for deployment.Earlier this week,california drone developer MLB company announced that it had completed a project funded by DARPA(defence Research Project Agency) to develop a...
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    Egypt's President Morsi arrives in Pakistan today

    Egyptian president mohmmad morsi arrives here on a state visit at the head of high powered delegation on the invitation of president asif ali zardari.. On arrival at the nur khan airbase,president morsi was welcomed by a 21 gun salute and by a guard of honour at the...
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    The conflict over the princely state of j&k has its origin in 1947 when british india was partitioned into two successor states of india & pakistan,based on the acceptance of the two nation theory.Muslim majority states under dominion rule were allowed to exercise the right to join either india...
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    There is long history of struggle against india occupation in indian kashmir.But now the kashmiris did not use guns or bombs but peaceful agitations with stones in their hand just like on palestine pattern.Now kashmiri youth realise that guns or bombs are not the solution of kashmir..But they...
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    Pakistan does not sanction us drone:UN

    The head of un team investigating US drones strickes in pakistan has said that islamabad does not consent to them and sees them as a territorial violation:Ben emmerson.so question arises on what grounds america use drones against pakistan US drones started...
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    Pakistan iran border always become peaceful and secure as these both countries enjoyed good and cordial relationship.What strategy adopted by pakistan if iran will attacked by usa and allies.Is pakistan support the war just like afghan war or become neutral just like iraq war.Discuss
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    Kashmir issue is a boiling point between india and pakistan.Discuss the best strategy that must be adopted with regard to resolve dis longstanding issue
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