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  1. waz

    Black people suffer discrimination in Germany

    Disparaging looks or insults are daily occurrences in Germany for people with dark skin, Muslim women who wear a headscarf, and people who speak German badly or not at all. Discrimination in Germany has many ugly faces and is widespread throughout society. These findings are neither entirely...
  2. waz

    Leopard lady of India

    A widow whose husband had died and had no work. She then applied to a biological park as a cleaner, but the animals quickly warmed to her kind soul. She was then picked to be trained as a keeper and became their best, with the Leopard cubs adoring her. You have millions, but never be truly as...
  3. waz

    US scientists invent pill that kills all cancer cells.

    Scientists have developed a holy grail cancer drug that kills all solid cancer tumors while leaving other cells unharmed. The new molecule targets a protein present in most cancers that helps tumors grow and multiply in the body. It is codenamed AOH1996 after nine-year-old victim Anna Olivia...
  4. waz

    RIP dear Sinéad O Conor

    A wonderful singer with the prefect voice. Someone who was sadly troubled all her life with mental health issues. She deteriorated fast after the suicide of her son. People of all faiths and backgrounds loved her and pray for her. May Allah bless the sister with Jannah. Irish singer and...
  5. waz

    Has the Pakistani army given up defending it's people?

    Earlier on May 15, Parveen Fatima, a 65-year-old widow from the Pandu sector of AJK’s Jhelum valley district, was also mercilessly killed by the Indian army after she had strayed across the LoC while picking some medicinal plants. Response from Pakistani army Nothing. From this thread...
  6. waz

    Car ploughs into Texas shelter for migrants and homeless 7 dead

    Seven people have been killed in the US state of Texas after a car struck a group at a bus stop close to a shelter for the homeless and migrants. The incident happened in the city of Brownsville near the Mexican border at about 08:30 local time (14:30 GMT). At least six other people were been...
  7. waz

    Indian resident knocks out arrogant Western tourist

    https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12025549/Elephant-goes-bananas-Woman-gets-smashed-giant-animal-teasing-fruit.html#comments Video in link. Fun title. But yes let's go tease the most powerful land animal on earth (a bull elephant) who is also known for their high level of practical and...
  8. waz

    Child rape ring Birmingham 21 (men, women, old folk involved)

    Twenty-one people have been convicted for their parts in the largest ever child sex abuse case investigated by West Midlands Police. The offending against seven children, who were 12 years old or younger, took place over nearly a decade in Walsall and Wolverhampton. The abuse came to light after...
  9. waz

    Ukrainian law makers demand sanctions on India

    The calls are growing for this. However the video takes a hilarious turn when this women starts to turn this into an anti-Pakistan rant. She's moaning about Ukraine's ties with Pakistan a 'terror' state and how they supply masses of arms to Ukraine. :lol: Here's the thing, the US and NATO...
  10. waz

    Chief minister of Scotland resigns. Nicola Sturgeon gone.

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-64650704 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-scotland-64648879 Independence movement dead, lowest ratings in history. Scottish NHS in turmoil running a massive deficit. Scottish schools performing at substandard level. Massive rows over female rights and...
  11. waz

    World smoking map.

    https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11697417/Smoking-rates-world-HALF-adults-one-nation-light-day.html Looks like the habit is dying fast......
  12. waz

    Scrapfest LGBTQ coming to Karachi

  13. waz

    Hindutva gangster gets KO'd. Streetfight after insulting Prophet Muhammad. USA dawah stall location.

    You need to sign in brothers to see this comedy gold. The Indian American goes up to the stall and says "you worship a pedophile Prophet". Abdul Wahab laughs and tells him to leave. He comes back and yells abuse upon which the brother tells him "do you want to get knocked out". He then...
  14. waz

    Nepal targeted for Christian conversion

    Nepal has one of the world's fastest-growing Christian communities Converting people to another religion is illegal in Nepal, but missionaries are willing to risk prosecution to spread the Christian faith. "Victory to Jesus," Korean pastor Pang Chang-in cries as he blesses a new church in the...
  15. waz

    India-China dispute: Shadow of 60-year-old war at border flashpoint

    Indian soldiers near Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, an Indian state which China claims By Soutik Biswas India correspondent The fighting began early on a bright autumn morning 60 years ago. On 23 October 1962 Chinese solders entered and engaged in intense artillery fire in what was then a...
  16. waz

    World first cancer patient cured with base editing. UK excellence....

    A teenage girl's incurable cancer has been cleared from her body in the first use of a revolutionary new type of medicine. All other treatments for Alyssa's leukaemia had failed. So doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital used "base editing" to perform a feat of biological engineering to build...
  17. waz

    The Indian women calling themselves ‘proudly single’

    Sreemoyee Piu Kundu is author and founder of Status Single, a community for urban single women in India By Geeta Pandey BBC News, Delhi In India, girls have traditionally been raised to be good wives and mothers and the most important life goal for them has been marriage. But a large number of...
  18. waz

    Iranian hijab protests in London become violent police attacked

    https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11248237/Protesters-clash-police-outside-Iranian-embassy-London-man-tackled-ground.html Five people were arrested during the demonstration, with police officers injured by the 'substantial group intent on causing disorder', Scotland Yard said. Just...
  19. waz

    4 reasons why there is a US military recruitment crisis

    The comments from vets are eye opening. I didn't know it was this bad.
  20. waz

    Queen Elizabeth the second has passed rest in peace.

    https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4071298/Queen-elizabeth-II-dead-aged-96-prince-charles.html https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61585886
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