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  1. Fsjal

    China's World: Philippines Looks to Revive U.S. Naval Base

    Here is an interesting article. China's World: Philippines Looks to Revive U.S. Naval Base - WSJ.com A piece from the article "But bringing back the once-spurned Yanks won't be so simple. The reasons illustrate the way that China's rapid rise as a regional military power—one that now...
  2. Fsjal

    Honor guards from all around the world

    Discussion and sharing images of honor guards from all around the world. I shall start off. US Air Force honor guard Vietnamese honor guard PLA honor guard
  3. Fsjal


    Apparently there was a classified project called Santa Barbara. During the Marcos Era, a new missile, called Bongbong-1, was built. It was said to have a range of 12KM (LOL, too small) and was built with German scientists. These rockets were tested between 1972 and 1980's. (During that time...
  4. Fsjal

    North Korea carries out military exercises on Chinese border

    North Korea carries out military exercises on Chinese border - video | World news | guardian.co.uk Paratroopers believed to be from North Korea carry out drills on the Chinese border as tensions in the region escalate. A helicopter is seen circling above the North Korean border town of...
  5. Fsjal

    Two years after HK tourist massacre, Chinese travelers hail PHL

    Two years after HK tourist massacre, Chinese travelers hail PHL | Lifestyle | GMA News Online | The Go-To Site for Filipinos Everywhere Two and a half years after the Luneta hostage tragedy nearly sank Philippine tourism, the country is clearly back on China's tourist map. Shanghai's daily...
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