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  1. Unbeliever

    Tahrir Square reacts to Morsi's victory

    Incredible Now I personally wouldn't have voted for him but this is democracy in action :)
  2. Unbeliever

    Tunisia rejects Shariah in new Constitution

    Good news from past revolutionary Tunisia! Tunisia rejects shariah in new constitution | Times 247
  3. Unbeliever

    Festival of Colors! :D western style

    Because it looked so awesome and fun (and I imagine it is) people decided to have there own Festival of Colors. And it looks awesome. I'm thinking we should have one in Europe too. Is the biggest temple in the UK? definitely an awesome Idea from India. oh and I know the video is probably...
  4. Unbeliever

    In Reactions to Two Incidents, a U.S.-Afghan Disconnect

    By ROD NORDLAND https://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/15/world/asia/disconnect-clear-in-us-bafflement-over-2-afghan-responses.html?_r=2&ref=world
  5. Unbeliever

    U.S. Navy Rescues Iranians Who Were Captured by Pirates

    There is also (some, short) video of it:
  6. Unbeliever

    I Love The Whole World - Discovery Channel

    Something positive for a change ;) warning: VERY CATCHY SONG! :tup: :chilli:
  7. Unbeliever

    Saudi security forces 'fire on protesters'

    Saudi security forces 'fire on protesters' - Middle East - Al Jazeera English :tdown:
  8. Unbeliever

    Jordan's king calls on Syria's Assad to step down

    BBC News - Jordan's king calls on Syria's Assad to step down
  9. Unbeliever

    Slavery - A 21st century evil

    "Today, 27 million men, women and children are held, sold and trafficked as slaves throughout the world. In Slavery: A 21st Century Evil, Rageh Omaar embarks on a worldwide journey to uncover the truth about the flourishing 21st century slave trade. Episode by episode, his investigation will...
  10. Unbeliever

    What Are We Capable Of - THIS IS ANONYMOUS!

    :tup: :yahoo:
  11. Unbeliever

    Occupy Wall Street Protests!

    Occupy Wall Street - YouTube F*ck these guys Hell yeah! America is waking up! :tup: I am exited and fully support the peaceful protests! **** the Banksters! Power to the People! :) The Protests meanwhile are spreading to other places in the US. Without change in the US we can do little...
  12. Unbeliever

    Carlie Brooker settles score with Gaddafi

    Owned! :lol:
  13. Unbeliever

    Syrian Gunboats Fire on Coastal City

    The Violence in Syria has again escalated to a new level. http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2011/08/14/world/middleeast/AP-ML-Syria.html Madness.
  14. Unbeliever

    Sing-along Trafalgar Square :)

    :bounce: :yahoo: Really cool.
  15. Unbeliever

    Athens in flames after passage of austerity measures

    Context: Respite for the Euro: Greece Dodges Insolvency by Passing Austerity Package - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International All is not well in Europe..:frown:
  16. Unbeliever

    The future of Medicine

    Technology rocks!
  17. Unbeliever

    The death of fear - The Arab Awakening Al Jazeera

    Great Documentary http://english.aljazeera.net/programmes/general/2011/04/20114483425914466.html
  18. Unbeliever

    Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring?

    Very interesting read. Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring? - Bloomberg
  19. Unbeliever

    Amit Sood: Building a museum of museums on the web

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