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  1. T

    Busting the Muslim myth that WoT has damaged the U.S!

    OK, I see many people, specially Muslims, discussing , rather "mental-masturbating", that how war on terror has caused U.S trillions and how Al Qaeda/Taliban have successfully "defeated" the mighty U.S etc etc.. This thread is a reality checker..sorry to break your hearts...but we haven't...
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    How many U.S military bases in Islamic World?

    Ok , how many military bases does the U.S military operates in the Islamic World? There are much propaganda on the internet--so I just wanted to clarity this issue. So @Mosamania , @BLACKEAGLE and other middle-eastern guys...are these maps true? These show U.S military bases in Saudi...
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    So who really won the recent Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

    Here is an interesting piece I found on the topic that is really "hot" in this forum .... Gaza - Now that the dust seems to have settled with the end of hostilities between the Israelis and Palestinians, reached through a brokered ceasefire led heavily by the Egyptians, we turn our...
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