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  1. Greenn

    Turkey Accused of Using Chemical Weapons against PKK

    German experts have confirmed the authenticity of photographs that purport to show PKK fighters killed by chemical weapons. The evidence puts increasing pressure on the Turkish government, which has long been suspected of using such weapons against Kurdish rebels. German politicians are...
  2. Greenn

    Iranian Medicine Saving Lives of Americans

    Iranian Medicine Saving Lives of Americans while US Sanctions Killing Iranian Patients | Global Research Snake Tale: How Venom Binds U.S., Iran - WSJ.com
  3. Greenn

    Israel doesn't want you to see!

    A Jewish settler and her children from the Hebron settlement of Tel Rumeida, are seen assaulting and swearing at women and girls from the neighboring Abu-'Ayesha family, who were forced to build a metal cage around their home to protect themselves from the repeated and violent attacks by Jewish...
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