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    Global yuan use increases

    Currency ranked 14th in payments, with market share rising by 15.6 percent The Chinese currency has gained a stronger footing in the global arena, having been ranked as the world's 14th payments currency with its worldwide use expanding to 15.6 percent, according to the financial services...
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    Fury at India Mars mission

    INDIA is sending a £60million space probe to orbit Mars — while Britain hands the country £300million-a-year in aid. Proud prime minister Manmohan Singh boasted in New Delhi yesterday: “This is a huge step for us in science and technology.” But Tory MP Philip Davies said it was “ridiculous”...
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    Second, but not playing second fiddle

    The Olympics may finally have ended, but that does not mean that all discussions regarding the 2012 London games have concluded. Despite the warm welcome home enjoyed by China's Olympians, it seems that the Chinese audience regrets, at least to some extent, the fact that China failed to...
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    Mitt Romney mocks China over Olympics and Moon Landing

    Boasting of recent American success at London 2012 Olympics and on Mars, the Republican presidential candidate takes a swipe at China's efforts to land on the Moon. Mr Romney taunted China during an election rally in Miami over plans to land an unmanned probe on the Moon. "I know the...
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    U.S. has new rival in China, but still leads world in sports

    LONDON — The Soviet Union has been disbanded and replaced. China is the new threat to our global dominance. But as the 2012 London Games approach the finish line, this hasn’t changed: We remain the world champions of sport. Take a bow, America. A sensational late kick has all but...
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