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    No One Wants National Hero Jumbo's Medals

    No One Wants National Hero Jumbo's Medals LONDON: Wing commander Karun Krishna 'Jumbo' Majumdar is one of India's biggest war heroes. He was one of the first to fly in the Indian Air Force (IAF) before India gained Independence and one of the first Indians to receive England's Distinguished...

    Pakistani Members please take a note of this!!!

    I was just watching the news on BBC and couldn't look at the faces of the family members of this poor guy!! It is really disgusting and is a matter of concern for all S Asians since we share the same physical traits!! Can cricket bat lose you the right to stay in Belgium? Last week Belgian...

    Ancient Pakistan temples draw devotees from across faiths

    In their journeys across Pakistan to document old Hindu shrines, writer Reema Abbasi and photographer Madiha Aijaz find belief battling bigotry. The Kalibari in Peshawar has a regular devotee who toggles between two identities. At home, up north in the Kurram Tribal Agency, she is Maria...

    Attention all Indian posters

    Please help me out on this.It was just yesterday that I posted on this thread: The Russian Navy Leftover INS Vikramaditya India’s New Carrier | Page 6 And today I am being told "You have insufficient privileges to post on this thread "!! Is this being done on purpose or are there any...

    Delhi’s high-table hope springs back to life

    Delhi’s high-table hope springs back to life - Caribbean surprise renews possibility of Security Council expansion but several stages lie ahead K.P. NAYAR New York, March 5: Eight weeks after India completed its two-year tenure as a member of the UN Security Council, New Delhi has...

    Bar code's co-inventor N. Joseph Woodland dies at 91

    Bar code's co-inventor N. Joseph Woodland dies at 91 By Emery P. Dalesio,Associated Press Raleigh, N.C. — Norman Joseph Woodland, the co-inventor of the bar code that labels nearly every product in stores and has boosted productivity in nearly every sector of commerce worldwide, has died...
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