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  1. A

    Wrong war in Wazirastan. We need to attck the source of Taliban! in Kandhar

    Borrowing the statement from John Kerry. Pakistan's war in Wazirastan is "Wrong war, and the wrong time, against the right people". No one can deny that Taliban are the source of major instability in the region. However Wazirastan war is not the answer. Pakistan should pull out most of...
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    Talibanic Wild fires in Afghanistan and their impact on Pakistan FATA

    Talibanic wild fires have engulfed Afghani south for many years now. Like an out of control fire, or more aptly like a deadly cancer it has been spreading into three agencies of Pakistan. These agencies include N. Wazirastan, S. Wasirastan, and Bajore area of Malakand agency. Pakistan has...
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    Remember our WWII heroes: No monument no effort to save our history

    Pak army is blessed with many living veterans who fought in World War II. We must honor them and preserve their memories for coming generation. This is totally apolitical effort to save our history. We must build a memorial and save the names who died fighting Axis of Evil (Nazis, Japanese, and...
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    Time to open Souther front to crush Talibanic menace

    Pakistani army has been trying to keep the lid on Wazirastan by deploying 90,000 or so troops and losing many on regular basis. This is a "containment" policy and it is good in the short run. In the long run you must take the offensive to the heartland of your opponent. In this case the...
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