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    BREAKING: David Cameron loses Syria vote in Commons

    BBC News - David Cameron loses Syria vote in Commons
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    Croats and Serbs are of Iranian origin

    Zagreb In A Panic: Scientifically Proven That Croats are descendants of Serbs | Opinion - Conservative Article in Croatian: e-novine.com - Hrvati su Srbi iranskog porekla
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    Russia and Iran: A postmodern dance

    If, as expected, Russian President Vladimir Putin undertakes the trip to Tehran in August, it will be rich in symbolism - even if he were to give up the travel plan to take a boat across the Caspian Sea to reach the Iranian shore. The congruence of interests of the two regional powers, which are...
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    Turkish, Iranian goods compete in KRG market

    The trade rivalry between Iran and Turkey in northern Iraq is heating up, as the devaluation of the Iranian currency sent the price of Iranian goods down, increasing their allure in the Kurdish market. “The trade volume between the Kurdish region and Iran is growing because of the...
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    Iran ICBM Advances

    U.S. intelligence agencies recently detected Iran conducting a static ground test of a large rocket motor that could be used for a future intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), according to U.S. officials. Disclosure of the recent rocket engine test comes as Congress is prodding the Obama...
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    Syria’s War Impacts Turkish Alevis

    A legal complaint lodged recently by a Turkish citizen reveals some intriguing details about a book that contains serious hate speech against Alevis. The book, the title of which translates as The True Face of Batinites and Qarmatians, refers to Alevis as “perverts” who...
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    US To Buy 20 Fighter Planes for Afghan Air Force: ISAF

    The United Sates has committed that it will buy 20 fighter jets for the Afghan Air Force, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Spokesman, Brigadier General Gunter Katz told TOLOnews on Tuesday. The ISAF spokesman said that all ISAF member countries including the US are trying...
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    Iran Offers Oilfield, Pipeline to India for Raising Oil Imports

    Rattled by India's sharp cut in purchase of its oil, Iran on Monday offered oilfields on lucrative terms, routing gas pipeline through sea to avoid Pakistan, and insurance to refiners provided New Delhi raised oil imports. Iran mounted a high-level delegation led by its Oil Minister Rostam...
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    Social Divisions Hinder Saudi Rights Movement

    Veiled women carry vegetables as they walk along a street in the neighborhood of Shmeisy in Riyadh, April 22, 2013. (photo by REUTERS/Faisal Al Nasser) Amnesty International published an annual report on the state of human rights in Saudi Arabia last week. The report covered a large scale of...
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    Iran: how the West missed a chance to make peace with Tehran

    The new US defence secretary, Chuck Hagel, is due to make his first visit to Israel on Sunday amid fresh warnings from the country’s leaders that time is running out to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat. Here, in a provocative article based on his controversial new book, Peter Oborne shows...
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    Pakistani leaders call for strong Iran ties

    Pakistani political leaders and senior military officials stressed on Wednesday need for strong relationship between Iran and Pakistan, IRNA reported. Talking to IRNA on the anniversary of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran they said that strong Iran-Pakistan relations would benefit...
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    Iranian regimes forces shoot teenager dead in his home

    Security forces belong to the Iranian regime shot dead a 15-year-old boy named Morteza Soveidi in his home in the south-eastern city of Ahvaz on April 12. The Iranian regime has deemed homes of the Arab minority in Ahvaz to be 'illegally built' and is accordingly flattening these homes in...
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    Passersby ignore dead mother and child after crash in India

    Video footage of a man being ignored as he begged for help following a road accident that killed his wife and child has led to accusations of "shameful" public apathy in India. Police said Kanhaiya Lal's appeals were ignored for 40 minutes on Monday after a speeding truck rammed his motorcycle...
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    Health tourists spend $1.5b in Iran

    Some 200,000 health tourists arrived in Iran in the past Iranian year (ended March 20, 2013), earning $1.5 billion for the country. Announcing this in the inauguration ceremony of Qaem Hospital in Rasht, Gilan province, Manouchehr Jahanian, the deputy head of Iran’s Cultural Heritage...
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    Iran and Hungarian party form anti-Israel/EU alliance

    DAPEST, Hungary (JTA) — The potholed streets leading to Tiszavasvari’s rusty train station offer no clue that this sleepy town of 12,000 in eastern Hungary is considered the “capital of Jobbik,” the country’s ultranationalist, anti-Jewish party whose name means “better.” The first sign...
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    Strategic dynamics of Gwadar Port and Iran-Pakistan Pipeline

    The geopolitical landscape of the AfPak Region (APR) and South Central Asian Region (SCAR) is about to undergo a massive transformation. As the US/Nato/Isaf combine prepares to egress, new regional alignments are emerging with serious geopolitical, economic and strategic connotations. This...
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    Iran: nationwide rallies to protest recent Shia killings in Pakistan

    Iranians stage nationwide rallies to protest recent Shia killings in Pakistan - Trend.Az
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    Ahmadinejad say farewell to his friend Chavez

    Ahmadinejad stand on the coffin of his friend Hugo Chavez while belarus kid grimace ! - YouTube
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    ‘Cyrus Cylinder’ a Reminder Of Persian Legacy of Tolerance

    For an artifact with such an awesome legacy, the Cyrus Cylinder is remarkably unprepossessing. It looks like a small loaf of rye bread from which someone has broken off a chunk. Yet this nine-inch long piece of baked clay inscribed with cuneiform script — which begins a five-city tour of the...
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