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    Religious Conflict in Pakistan

    We often hear of the Sunni Shi'a conflict in Pakistan ... but what about the divisions between the Sunni groups? The 3 major groups ... the Brailwees, Deobandis, and Ahl e Hadees (Wahhabis/Salafis/Najdis/Ghayr Muqallid) all claim to be from Ahle Sunnat. But the conflict between them is very...
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    Prince Nas

    With all of this talk about Amir Khan ... anyone remember Naseem Hamed? Most entertaining fighter since Mike Tyson at that time ... and he had wicked power Prince Naseem Hamed Highlights (by GP) - YouTube
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    The Battle of Plassey

    The most important battle in modern history that shaped the modern world If Mir Jafaar (lanatullah) didn't defect there was no way the british would've succeeded The Battle of Plassey Contributed by Prof. Dr. Nazeer Ahmed, PhD “It is not too much to say that the destiny of Europe...
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    Muhammad Ghori (rh)

    Anyone have any authentic sources on his battles and conquests? Interesting that I heard somewhere that Ghor province in Afghanistan was one of the last to convert to Islam
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