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  1. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Shia's killed in Iraq

    Bombings across Iraq killed 46 people today striking at police and Shia pilgrims in a torrent of violence that officials had dreaded in the run-up to a Baghdad meeting of the Arab world's top leaders, which the government hoped would showcase the nation's stability. There was no immediate...
  2. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Destroy all churches in Gulf, says Saudi Grand Mufti

    The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia has said it is “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region,” following Kuwait’s moves to ban their construction. Speaking to a delegation in Kuwait, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, stressed that since the tiny Gulf state was a part of...
  3. SyrianChristianPatriot

    How Iran might respond to Israeli attack

    Iran has made it clear that if it is attacked either by Israel or the United States it will respond in kind. But just what could Iran do to strike back? What would be the consequences, both in the region and inside Iran itself? Indeed, could the potential consequences of an Israeli strike...
  4. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Libya 'Could Fall Apart' as East Declares Autonomy

    Eastern Libya has declared autonomy from the rest of the country in a move that authorities in Tripoli had warned could destabilize the territorial integrity of the country. Tuesdan in the main city of the Libyan east, Benghazi, leaders marked one year from the start of the uprising that...
  5. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Turkey Compares Syrian Conflict to 1990s Balkans

    Turkey said Saturday that the international failure to agree on action over Syria is emboldening the government crackdown that has killed thousands, calling the violence a crime against humanity on the scale of the 1990s bloodshed in the Balkans. Turkey, which shares a border with Syria, and...
  6. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Syrian Terrorists withdraw from enclave after siege

    After a punishing, monthlong military siege, Syrian rebels made what they called a "tactical retreat" Thursday from a key district in Homs, saying they were running low on weapons and the humanitarian conditions were unbearable. Within hours of the rebels' withdrawal, President Bashar Assad's...
  7. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Syria tightening border with Turkey

    The Turkish border with Syria has long been known for the smuggling of goods back and forth, but with the uprising against President Bashar Assad, it is Syrians themselves who are trying to sneak past security. Thousands of Syrians are now living in four refugee camps on the Turkish side of the...
  8. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Saudi Arabia May Be Tied to 9/11

    For more than a decade, questions have lingered about the possible role of the Saudi government in the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, even as the royal kingdom has made itself a crucial counterterrorism partner in the eyes of American diplomats Now, in sworn statements that seem likely to...
  9. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Syria threatens to 'cleanse Terrorists Areas in Homs

    The Syrian regime showed a new determination Wednesday to crush its opponents, vowing to "cleanse" a rebel-held district in the besieged central city of Homs after nearly four weeks of shelling. Government troops massed outside the embattled neighborhood of Baba Amr, raising fears among...
  10. SyrianChristianPatriot

    The coming war in Syria-Iran: possible scenarios

    After Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, the West's war eyes are now firmly fixed on Iran and Syria. International reportage on the Syrian crisis has drastically changed its character over the last fortnight or so. The entire discourse on the urgency to "stop the brewing humanitarian crisis' has...
  11. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Iran Has Defensive Secrets for Rainy Days

    The Islamic Republic of Iran has many hidden capabilities which are kept for rainy days," Vahidi told FNA on Tuesday, adding, "We have not yet revealed all our capabilities." He referred to the US reinvigoration and renovation of its Army in the Persian Gulf in accordance with Iran's progress...
  12. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Saudi authorities planning to intensify Syria unrest

    Saudi authorities have reportedly invited three senior Lebanese politicians to Riyadh in line with plans to intensify the unrest in Syria. Informed sources in Syria said on Monday Saudi Arabia has reportedly invited Walid Jumblatt, the leader of the Lebanese Progressive Socialist Party...
  13. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Saudi king says 'foreign hands' behind Arab unrest

    Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah says that "unnamed hands" targeting Islam and the Arabs are behind recent events in the region. The king, who delivered a televised address Friday night to a conference of prominent Saudis, did not name any country. But Saudi officials have used similar terms to...
  14. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Russia 'delivers missiles to Syria

    Russia has delivered supersonic cruise missiles to Syria despite the violence shaking the Arab country and Israel's furious condemnation of the deal, a news report said on Thursday. "The Yakhont supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles have been delivered to Syria," a military source told the...
  15. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Russia opposes arms embargo on Syria

    Russia is against imposing an arms embargo on Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday. Russia opposes arms embargo on Syria
  16. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Turkey threatens to cut power to Syria

    Turkey threatens to cut power to Syria, halts oil search Turks beating war drums.
  17. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Assad Could Step Down After Free Elections

    Grand Mufti Sheikh Hassoun, the highest Islamic authority in Syria and a close confidant of embattled President Bashar Assad, talked to SPIEGEL about the threat of civil war, possible suicide bombings in Europe and his son's murder at the hands of Islamist insurgents. Interview with Syrian...
  18. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Syrian army 'laying mines on Lebanese border'

    Syrian troops have been accused of planting mines along a region bordering northern Lebanon, according to AFP news agency quoting a Lebanese official. Syrian army 'laying mines on Lebanese border' - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
  19. SyrianChristianPatriot

    1 million Assad supporters in Aleppo, AL chief calls to intervene

    Over 1 million people took to the streets in Syria`s second largest city Aleppo to express their support to President Bashar Assad. The demonstrators chanted slogans, urging the opposition to avoid being violent in their attempts to topple the regime and sit down for talks. They also affirmed...
  20. SyrianChristianPatriot

    Strike on Syria considered Mccain

    Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Sunday that military action to protect civilians in Syria might be considered now that NATO’s air campaign in Libya is ending. McCain talks about military options in Syria - The Washington Post ---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at...
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