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    No network in Nathula so jawans borrow phones from Chinese soldiers

    People please do not troll here, this article shows that friendly attitude soldiers show to their counterpart across the fence. http://m.indianexpress.com/news/no-network-in-nathula-so-jawans-borrow-phones-from-chinese-soldiers/945976/
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    PLA-watchers mind their language

    Asia Times Online :: PLA-watchers mind their language So now the USA is going to listen to those CCP propaganda as well!?
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    Philippines says US not needed in South China Sea dispute

    Philippines says US not needed in South China Sea dispute The Philippines said Monday that Southeast Asian nations did not need US help in solving territorial disputes with China over the potentially resource-rich South China Sea. Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo told reporters that...
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    Why Westernized Chinese Dislike the West - Newsweek

    Why Westernized Chinese Dislike the West - Newsweek I know this article is already two years old, but it is related to the concern about China's nationalism. It has its own merits of truth in the article. A lot of people have the notion that a open and democratic China will be more friendly...
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    Chinese scientist Qian Weichang was cremated here on Saturday

    Qian Weichang: Patriotic scientist, enthusiastic educator For those who is not familiar with him. "Chien was a specialist in applied mathematics, mechanics, physics, engineering science and Chinese information processing. He was generally acknowledged as one of the pioneers and founders...
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    Chinese Concept: The Train that Never Stops

    Chinese Concept: The Train that Never Stops June 7th, 2010 . By Dan in Concepts and Designs . Advertisement There have been many different Train concepts that aim to be the future of transportation, adding more speed, more room, more comfort and more features, but what about a new...
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    Sioux Indians of Lakota Tribe Tell State Dept. of Succession

    http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/68076-sioux-indians-lakota-tribe-tell-state-dept-succession.html I know this article was old, but I just found out recently. My question is how come no one, and no major medias in the world paid any attention to those people as they had with Tibetans.
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    UK refuses to return Indian diamond

    UK refuses to return Indian diamond | News.com.au I totally support India to take back what British had stolen from it in the past. The reason UK's PM had given is totally outrageous, and he also admitted that everything in the British Museum were looted from others.
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    I have a really stupid question here. How do I post a thread with an attachment, I know probably it had been discussed somewhere in this forum, but I just can not find it. Thanks
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    Wrong Flag?

    Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this flag?
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    Chinese state media praises gay parade

    Chinese state media praises gay parade What is interesting is that if today China is a democratic society, this will never happen as the majority of the people here are still very conservative regarding this issue not due to religious reason but a culture one.
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    China dominates NSA-backed coding contest

    China dominates NSA-backed coding contest Chinese student, 18, wins, prompting call for earlier math and science education in U.S. Patrick Thibodeau June 8, 2009 (Computerworld) Programmers from China and Russia have dominated an international competition on everything from writing...
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    Parents thought minorities 'should be killed,' Manitoba girl told police

    Parents thought minorities 'should be killed,' Manitoba girl told police
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    China buys up rare-earths

    China Corners Over 90% of Market for Rare-Earth Metals
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    Calling politicians "liars" illegal in France

    Calling politicians "liars" illegal in France Calling politicians "liars" illegal in France
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    New Arjun Camouflage or Armour Protection?

    Can someone explain to me what on earth is this? New type of camouflage or armour protection system?
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    Is China Communist? Pop Quiz of Modern China 101

    Is China Communist? No. I am really annoyed by some people keep calling China communist. I think that you know which kind of people I am talking about. This annoyance comes especially when there are underprivileged people cannot afford to go to hospital, and don't have the money to pay for...
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    This is my first time posting. Right after I read this article, I have did a lot of search of this debate online, but to my surprise, even though this debate took place in London, there is no any western new sources that write about this event. Only Indian news outlets are publishing it. So I...
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