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  1. AryanWolve

    Ploua ca in India

    its quiete wide accepted and proven that we are from india. i mean its not like we made that claim "out of the blue". the first indo-aryans have been nomadic or semi-nomadic as well. i believe. i read it somewhere. so have been other great nations and empires such as the mongols, turkics etc.
  2. AryanWolve

    Ploua ca in India

    I didnt know its a copy, i guess the intention behind it counts.... THANKS
  3. AryanWolve

    Ploua ca in India

    lol...... then its positive, laughing is healthy:pdf:
  4. AryanWolve

    Ploua ca in India

    yes thanks, good or bad?
  5. AryanWolve

    Ploua ca in India

    Thanks, Buddy.
  6. AryanWolve

    Ploua ca in India

    Wonderful Song about India by European Gypsies from Southeast Europe (Romania)
  7. AryanWolve

    Hindutva and Zionism hurdles to peace and democracy: Scholars

    I found something interesting... I agree with all the things he mentioned, and Religious practice seems secondary, common blood (heritage) and the ideology seems more important.
  8. AryanWolve

    Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

    From Harappa Ancestry Project Harappa Oracle, seems as if im a brahmin, cool. and the distance is quiete close, closer thane everything i got before 1.06 for bihari brahmin [,1] [,2] [1,] "69.9% tuscans + 30.1% Bihari Brahmin"...
  9. AryanWolve

    Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

    So there are Genetic similarities to Pashtos and Cohini_Jews with Romani People. There mtdna was traced to Punjab as Homeland of Romani People. So this fits with my (southasian) spot on the map.
  10. AryanWolve

    Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

    This means neither Pashtun nor Cohini_Jew but cluster inbetween them. Comment from DNA Forums.
  11. AryanWolve

    Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

    My First Edition Oracle Results (Top 10) DodecadOracle, mixedmode (similarity to population mixes) [,1] [,2] [1,] "33.3% Pathan + 66.7% Romanians_14" "6.683" [2,] "31.8% Bnei_Menashe_Jews + 68.2% Romanians_14" "6.8637" [3,] "31% Burusho + 69% Romanians_14" "6.9093" [4,] "70.7% Romanians_14 +...
  12. AryanWolve

    Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

    If im partially jewish, im not aryan. jewish is a possibilty but very vague. New Email from Doug McDonald. Now more clearer predictions. Most likely fit is 70.3% (+- 9.2%) Europe (various subcontinents) and 29.7% (+- 9.2%) S. Asia (various subcontinents) The following are possible...
  13. AryanWolve

    Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

    Another Roma (Romanichal from England) has same(similar?) brown spot in India/Pakistan Border but his european and green spot are different. He is more European than me, he fits in Europe, i fit in Turkey. upload images
  14. AryanWolve

    Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

    Im 70% European (various subcontinents) + 30% Southasian (various subcontinents) My average in Europe is in Northitaly, my average in Southasia on the border between Pakistan/India (maybe Kashmir or Punjab?). My personal average/average overall is in Northwest Turkey. Fits i think, many ppl here...
  15. AryanWolve

    Happy Republic Day

    Happy Republic Day!!!
  16. AryanWolve

    Concept of Ethnicity in Islam

    I cant read the page 3 properly. Im stick to page 2. But i used anonymous to read a few comments. From Belligerent Pacifist--> "killing for justice", so spreading the islamic caliphate is justice? thats what i talked about, if an islamic force attacks your country if you would kill the...
  17. AryanWolve

    Concept of Ethnicity in Islam

    that again sounds good, to judge a person by his merits. but i think ethnicity is extended family. family/tribe bonds are important, but its not ok to say every indian/white/gypsy/pakistani person is good and all others are bad.
  18. AryanWolve

    Concept of Ethnicity in Islam

    Hinduism teaches.... "Through a son he conquers the worlds, through a grandson he obtains immortality, but through his sons grandson he ascends to the highest heaven. 'All that has been declared in the vedas'. (Baudhayana Sutras 2-9-16.3)" ---------- Post added at 01:37 PM ---------- Previous...
  19. AryanWolve

    Concept of Ethnicity in Islam

    I dont talk neccessarily about India/Pak War. I talk about an Islamic Force. Like the Moghuls for example. ---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ---------- So killing your father in the name of an believe is the same as stealing and lying? ----------...
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