Come on guys this is seriously disturbing 55 is no small number. Pakistan have to act. It's now or never. It time to get your act together. Even though I am Indian I am seriously disturbed by the number of people getting killed in Pakistan.
Some knowledgeable Pakistanis please tell me what is...
Why? You want to clean them? I didn't know economic situation in Pakistan is so bad that you want to come to India to clean toilets and earn your daily bread. :(
Even though I am not very enthusiastic of buying weapons from US I fully support if we acquire this UAV. "The payload is composed 360-degree field of regard (FOR) sensors including multifunction active sensor (MFAS) electronically steered array radar, electro-optical / infrared (EO/IR) sensor...
I am no expert but for study case lets take SU 30 MKI vs an F-16 block 52 N011M has a 400 km range and AN/APG-68 [not 100% sure if PAK F 16 -52's has this radar] has 296 KM range. Going by this the MKI which has higher ranger will lock on to F 16 sooner and since it has higher number of hard...
I am Tamil and I want better relations with Sri Lanka. There was a civil war in Sri Lanka and unfortunately Tamil's got the shorter end of the stick.
During the height of the Civil war apart from the few namesake protests from the political parties no other gave a damn every one was minding...
Going by the comments media has successfully destroyed Indian's confidence in DRDO. Less indigenous product more kick back to politicians and the Western loving media will do all in its power to highlight the DRDO in bad ways as much as possible.
Excellent thread guys keep it up. :tup: Just look at the foreign vendors eying for a deal with India. Even though I hate congress government one thing they done correct is Foreign Policy and excelling at diplomacy.
Hello I am from south India and I don't speak Hindi or Bengali can some one give me the meaning for the word dalal I see this word being used by Bangladeshi's. I tried to google but did not get any concrete meaning.
Dalal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I can see that lot of Pakistani's want to kill Manmohan or other Indian's hence I too wanted to post some Pakistani. Then came to conclusion there is no one worthwhile to kill or beat the hell out of in Pakistan. Hence I would like to beat the living daylights out of my company's top management.