Ajmal Kasab case was a fabrication. why were the rest of those attackers not identified, and why n how did only ajmal kasab was caught alive. even then, Pakistan contended that ajmal kasab was "kidnapped" by india forces and set-up here to stage a drama......... anyway we're catching...
... as far as the so-called two-front strategy is concerned, i must say the indians are the worst planners, visionaries or foreseers. any country (specially one in our kinda neighbourhood) would prepare for the worst-case-scenario i.e., an attack from more than one front and possibly even from...
If kashmir is india's and if the kashmiri's want to be a part of india then why do you keep 0.7million army troops there. thats half of your total army. why not give the kashmiri's the right of self-determination. surely by your judgement, they'd choose india; why fear then ???
Pakistan, Egypt, Iran, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Syria, Lebanon etc make up the top 60, and not Greece or Venezuela or any of the so-many central american states.
This is just another piece of propaganda report issued to serve specific interests.
.......... But still I think Iran & Russia would play safe and try to find a way round the problem, a way to avoid tensions. I think even if Russia denies Iran S300, she will give the former something else to make up for it (something that the west can not raise an objection to) like an advanced...
Over time, Russia has proven herself as unreliable an ally as the US. they back you up and push you a point of no return and then all of a sudden leave you alone in a mess............
hmmm, now thats a nice point.... still, what would the French not give to keep international balance in the favor of their own continent than shifting it to Asia.
oh come on now, don't try to be diplomatic. that what indians walk, talk, sleep and eat about these days. super power, super power , super power. but it would be nice to see a better future for the poor of the region (including Indian and Pakistan).
Unfortunately, it seems that the people of our region including Pakistan and India, lack leadership qualities. We can follow the advice of good or bad allies or friends, but on our own, we seem to be unable to make our own mark. Go through history and you'll see that we've always followed those...
Indians seem to be more focused on shouting "we're a future superpower" than actually doing something that would take them further than China. Like making peace within the neighborhood. India does not maintain cordial ties with Sri Lanka in the south, with Bangladesh in the east, with China in...
i guess you do have a point mrwarrior006, only time will tell.
Still, Indian growth is owed much to foreign planning and guidance against the greater agenda of containing China.
No prejudice..... but they say the bigger the ship, the sooner it sinks...... there simply are too many & too big problems for the indian government to cope with.
Indeed India has made a lot of ground on economic front, but there are still grounds the size of Jupiter to cover. Corruption from bottom to top is only one hurdle (like Pakistan). For more, there are so many different political ideologies, social systems, religious communities and nationalistic...
anyway, i believe the entire debate is not about India or Turkey. Its about the rights of the Palestinian people and the illegal occupation of their land by the zionists. let us hope and pray to Allah that the doom of these oppressors that has been promised in the Holy Quran, comes soon. And...
in their latest attempt, they have managed to put a cap on that pipe and recover some of that oil to the surface.
my point is that its not as if they're not aware of the gravity of the crisis. after all, it is affecting atleast four US states. they're trying, but the problem is that such a...
then BP has spent now over a Billion Dollars on these containment efforts. they first tried to lower a four storey tall chamber into the ocean that was supposed to capture over 80% of the oil and pipe it to the surface continuously. after that attempt failed they tried to inject mud into the...