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  1. H

    What will Pakistan be like if PTI wins?

    I am not saying that its the people of these respective regions is doing it but if you look at the development of roads in other provinces compared to kp and balochistan there is a huge difference and saying its down to provincial government won't wash as we are a transport nation that travel...
  2. H

    Battagram people seek expulsion of Afghans

    We will throw the afghans out soon as all illegal Urdu speakers, biharis and Bengali are physically thrown out, if they stay then do should afghans.
  3. H

    A union of independent countries?

    Union between Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan and some central Asian republics will be good, no to Bangladesh and Maldives they can make something with Indonesia etc. We moved on and share nothing culturally aswell as linguistics with them and haven't forgotten their treachery and love for...
  4. H

    What will Pakistan be like if PTI wins?

    Democracies giving equal seats according to population may work in other countries where there is one nation and one ethnic group. Pakistan has many ethnic groups and therefore the notion of seats according to population does not work, just for example punjab makes up over 55 percent of the...
  5. H

    What will Pakistan be like if PTI wins?

    Imran Khan will be a good change however change will be slow, most important things iMran Khan can do is start with corruption starting with the armed forces and working his way down to public offices. He also needs to scrap the provincial governments and introduce council assembys at zilla...
  6. H

    What will Pakistan be like if PTI wins?

    Yes we do want army out of kp and balochistan, they are a burden who can't defend us from drone attack and are complicit in the drone attacks and disappearance of our people. They should leave as they are not welcome in our lands and nor in politics. We want equal seats in parliament...
  7. H

    Battagram people seek expulsion of Afghans

    I agree with you however the illegal Bengalis and biharis and Urdu speakers should be deported too, its only fair.
  8. H

    Pakistan - 74pc of minority women face sexual abuse: Study

    No its the neo Nazi Hindus who do it and they try to hide it and find fault of others, no competition.
  9. H

    Pakistan - 74pc of minority women face sexual abuse: Study

    They may have faced discrimination but in India they get their churches burnt, attacked and killed by neo Nazi Hindus need i say more?.
  10. H

    Taimur: Pakistan's ICBM?

    We decide what we need, India is just a small fish for us now, we got everything that covers India, we need to look at the bigger picture. Having the technology to make an icbm is a must whether we decide to make it or not, also why does it irk an Indian if Pakistan does or doesn't make it...
  11. H

    Battagram people seek expulsion of Afghans

    Dear sir i am happy to accept dna results if they show that baloch and pukhtoons share dna and genetics with Indians. When you Say that people have lived there for 7000 years may be true but these people kept changing just look back at history, regarding sayyed does not mean bushill genetics...
  12. H

    Battagram people seek expulsion of Afghans

    The ones that hate Pakistan or punjabis have never lived in Afghanistan and dont know first thing about Afghanistan or its history, they reside in usa, Canada etc and are so called net afghans. I with many pukhtoons share so much love for Pakistan and its all ethnic groups who have...
  13. H

    Battagram people seek expulsion of Afghans

    I am a hotaki a pukhtoon i share no culture or genetics with Indians, also Hindu does not mean Indian its a religion nor does Sikh mean Punjabi, i have seen white hare Krishna Hindus but practising Hinduism doesn't make them Indian. Baloch and pukhtoon share nothing with Indians and some...
  14. H

    Battagram people seek expulsion of Afghans

    Very true hotakis belong to Afghanistan but so do most clans of pushtoons, you will find afridis, mohmands etc etc in Afghanistan as well as Pakistan so now does that mean because Hotakis are in Afghanistan that the inestimable in Pakistan are not Pakistani? Great logic pat yourself on the back...
  15. H

    Chinese bank ‘backs off’ from Iran gas pipeline

    Its best if you finance the toilet scheme as 600 million Indians have no toilet, who backed off and who is friend who is not does not matter in business even family .
  16. H

    Battagram people seek expulsion of Afghans

    Forget Google and have the confidence to make your own judgement, i have relatives across the border like many of my people and believe me none has been inhospitable or anything such, we speak the same language same blood runs through our vains. I have no issues with afghans and they are...
  17. H

    Battagram people seek expulsion of Afghans

    come on yar i expected better from you, any group would take advantage if the governance system is bad, its not just afghans but everyone is trying to get away with what they can, because of weak rule of law, our own Pakistanis are encroaching land, raping 7 years I'd girls and strangling them...
  18. H

    Battagram people seek expulsion of Afghans

    We are not your people your people are gone and no longer, we taken over these areas centuries ago and your ancestors either met the end they deserved or fled. Hazara people are turko afghans to say they are your people is wrong, what next baloch are your people afghans and Tajiks?. Some people...
  19. H

    Pakistan's nuclear double to 250-350 in five-ten years!

    Do please tell me who in this forum asked for your opinion and who are you to judge what is immature and not?. What we spend our defence budget is our business and we are mature enough to make our own decisions. So please let pakistanis be the judge what is in their best interests.
  20. H

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    I hope so too i been following this baby for a long time since late 80s. Just a few questions i hope fellow members can answer as reliable as possible information would be great. 1: How many thunders in each squadron of number 26 and 16?. 2: When is the third squadron of thunders going to be...
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