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  1. Ganga

    China threatens its Neighbours

    Don't talk if you don't know things properly.Even in 62 the Chinese overwhelmed India with numbers.If you consider defeating lightly armed mountain scouts who were ill equipped and cut off from the main supply routes as a test of quality then god be with you.In WW2 units comprising of Indian...
  2. Ganga

    China threatens its Neighbours

    I'm glad that India is taking pro-active measures to counter China.When it comes to Indo-China it's basically Quality VS Quantity .The quality of Indian fighting men and women is better than Chinese.This goes without saying.Indian defence forces are battle hardened.We have fought everywhere from...
  3. Ganga

    Pakistan's dependence on US

    Buddy I guess you are deviating a bit from the topic here.In order to stand up to the US it is not sufficient to just "sustain" the economy but also to strengthen it.Today India is a 1.4 trillion dollar economy due to the changes that were adopted in 1991.Prior to that our economy was pathetic...
  4. Ganga

    Pakistan's dependence on US

    In order to stand up to the US Pakistan must first be strong internally.Until and unless she improves her economy , infrastructure etc. she cannot stand up to the US.It is very easy to say 'yes we can' but the reality is that the entire nation is dependent on US aid without which things will be...
  5. Ganga


    Buddy think rationally.Nuclear option is the last thing one might use.Your country mate over here has rightly pointed out that missiles fly both ways.A Shaheen with a nuke will result in a Prithvi or an Agni tipped with a nuke war head flying in the other direction.And always remember that...
  6. Ganga

    Fighter deal by March 2012

    The aircraft which will purchased will be the front line fighter of the IAF for the next 20-25 years or so.Everything should be minutely examined before announcing the winner.Also it is not that we need the jets urgently .A year is no big deal when you see the whole picture.
  7. Ganga

    Indian Major Lies To Have Sex With Afghan Woman

    :hitwall::hitwall: This news is probably 2 -3 years old if i am not wrong.
  8. Ganga

    Indian soldiers torture Assam peolple, very brutal

    I am not condoning the acts . I just wanted to make a point that such things happen everywhere in the world and not just in India.Innocent bystanders get always beaten up when there are huge protests .This too is global.Why do you think our elders tell us not to leave the house when there are...
  9. Ganga

    Afghans Face Growing Violence In India

    You love jumping into conclusions without knowing the full thing don't you.It's even funny when u shamelessly try to give a religious flavour to the issue. The Afghans were hurt as they wanted to leave the campus .But since the gates were closed as a show of protest no students whether...
  10. Ganga

    Indian soldiers torture Assam peolple, very brutal

    What is the bid deal here.Police do lathi charges every where in the world.In Tunisia people are getting beaten up even as we speak.There were huge protests in Greece and Spain where i have seen people getting beaten up.And why are some Pakistani members acting like saint over here.I have myself...
  11. Ganga

    how many hindus are in power in pakistan

    Yes .And the BJP was merely quoting a certain section of the constitution which relates to people of foreign origin.One has to play by the rules.It's funny how you and Jana are trying to give a religious flavour to this when an important ministry is being headed by a Christian.
  12. Ganga

    how many hindus are in power in pakistan

    I stopped reading after the bold part.As usual it's rant.MMS is not for show.He is a noted economist and every one in his party and even in the opposition loves him.He was appointed on merit and not for show.If your calling Sikhs a suppressed community then i suggest you better get some rest.
  13. Ganga

    how many hindus are in power in pakistan

    Frankly speaking it surprises me that she is a journalist.
  14. Ganga

    how many hindus are in power in pakistan

    And who are these "they" ?care to explain.A sikh became a PM of a Hindu majority country.That is itself enough.Moreover we have had Muslim and Sikh presidents in the past.Any one who is eligible can become the PM of India irrespective of religion.Got it !!!Now i know you will jump up and down...
  15. Ganga

    Was Partition worth it?

    If i remember correctly there was a an article posted by a moderator in another thread where it was mentioned that racism has indeed become a part of the Pakistani society.
  16. Ganga

    Israeli inquiry: Flotilla raid was legal

    I always admire Israel.The very fact that they have managed to survive for more than 60 years in an hostile environment is praise worthy.Now people may say that the entire operation was illegal which according to law is , but what do you expect from a cornered nation whose neighbours have...
  17. Ganga

    Was Partition worth it?

    I don't understand why the thread starter has started this.This topic has been discussed in length and breath several times .I don't think there is any need of another thread .Both the countries are separate and things are going to remain that way for a long time.There is no point looking back...
  18. Ganga

    Another Tamil Nadu fisherman brutally killed by Lankan Navy

    @ajtr Are u a joker or something?Just curious.Looking at ur pathetic posts it appears that you are one.
  19. Ganga

    17 year old Kashmiri arrested for creating ''anti-national'' group on Face book

    Hope this guy understands his mistake and becomes a good citizen of India.It would be better to do something positive like going to college .
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