Nobody pushes the army, the army comes in because a) the civilian government is incompetent and b) the army wants to keep presenting itself as the savior. The army is as much part of the problem as anyone because it's part of the system.
The army won't do any radical reforms because the...
He apparently travelled in a jet which had 'Pak Army' markings on it, pics are all over social media. Many head of the states travel in state owned jets so Nawaz really isn't doing something out of the ordinary when he does as well, not prudent considering our finances but following the norm...
Look at me: What I suck at is of no great significance but where I have an upper hand is all that matters. Look at me, I'm taking idiocy to another level.
In the words of the geniuses on this forum and in India - everything gets affected if things aren't cordial between Pakistan and India. That includes cricket as well as Basmati. :)
A land is made good or bad by the people. As the population spreads to these beautiful areas, they'll screw them as well. Unless of course, they realize the treasure they are sitting on.
Aww he said 'I'm sorry'. Let's not be too harsh on him now. After all, is Iraq really in a bad shape after the British supported invasion? Of course not. We forgive you Blair, the humanity forgives you!
Maybe you don't understand the term 'micro hydel' and its purpose. These projects are set up around communities in far flung areas where there's no electricity infrastructure and are without electricity. These projects are off-grid solutions for communities who if kept waiting for the 'bigger...
We have given plenty, i'm not going to go into details of it because anyone who knows the region's history knows what Pak has done for the Arab states.
As far as Yemen is concerned, Pak made a wise choice. Maybe you haven't been following the Yemen conflict. It has turned into a quicksand for...
U.S. military on its way to getting its Iron Man -
(CNN)After an American commando died kicking in a door during a raid in Afghanistan, the top commander of U.S. Special Operations vowed to prevent similar tragedies.
Two years later, the U.S. military is closer than ever to...