Just Curious Why Are The 'Injuns' Getting So Excited About This?!!!
(Guess, just too many of them Crapping on each other & Constantly Shaking their heads! Have to find ways to occupy their time, hence sit in front of a computer or laptop & start typing away, whilst shaking their heads, of...
Just Curious, 'Why Does The 'US' Have TO Feel It?!!!
Can't 'Incredible India' Feel it?!!!!
After all 'Is It NOT ' (Supposedly) "INCREDIBLE" india!!!!hmmmmm....(LOL)!
Why does a Foreign Government have to come up with the actual 'Censes'?!!
Let's Not Get Carried Away With The 'Bhai, Bhai' stuff! We Never Were & Never Will BE!!!!
Let's just try to just take it slow & get along, for starters!!!!
Default Re: The curious case of Indian Punjabis
But after visiting & interacting with S. India/S. Indians. I strongly feel I have 'Absolutely NO Commonality', be it cuisine, culture & most of all language & lingua franca (Hindi/Urdu, I have to revert to English Vernacular)...
I would have to agree I am a Pakistani Punjabi and after interacting with Indian Punjabi's I feel we have a lot of similarities.
i.e. Cultural, Cuisine, Language & etc.etc.
But after visiting & interacting with S. India/S. Indians. I strongly feel I have 'Absolutely NO Commonality', be it...
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I am so glad we had the Partition! I sincerely believe most of my fellow Pakistanis 'DO NOT' want to be a 'Associated with' India or Indians!
Indians should wake up from 'La La Land & smell the Coffee (or in this case TEA) (So to speak)!
The above mentioned quote...