I love when i hear news like this where price is a little too much! 1B USD is way too much. IF the price was quoted in INR I would have accepted that cos USD has not appreciated since then therefore steep appreciation in price in USD terms looks fishy. So i did some research and came...
I have been curious to figure out why Indian Govt. is hell bent on making Dassault accountable for 108 air-crafts to be manufactured by HAL. It makes little business sense since Dassault doesn't control HAL and will have limited say in the processes and manufacturing schedules of...
Good point and I have seen this raised numerous times. Just to clarify the air....the pressure on the ground decides if the road/land can sustain the tank to travel over it without either yielding like sand or getting ripped off like usually happens if you see a construction bulldozer over road...
Brit MP and ex-defence minister wants neutron bomb exploded in Pak border
A former British defence minister stunned peers after he suggested that a neutron bomb could be used to create a cordon sanitaire (quarantine line) in troubled border regions like the...
Well in my opinion one should understand that two countries with vastly different economic strengths must not compete as it unnecessarily creates economic strain. Asking PAkistan to counter India's acquisition plans does not make economic sense. Its like saying that India must prepare to...
Kindly read the entire post.........
He clearly mentioned that with Naval arm growing to almost 150 4.5 gen fighters and the possibility of using Tajik base (if you have a base it will take you 5-8 hours to put another...
Yes and No! Depends on the technology. typically the older class subs that needed to resurface to open their launch tubes needed to be almost stationary. The newer generation subs have a limit on speeds before firing while submerged. I think i read somewhere its like 7 knots
Well if you carefully observe how the test schedule has been developed it will be easier to figure out the random fashion. ADA is testing multiple systems in parallel for example while one vehicle being used to carry out bombing tests another is being readied for testing new upgraded radar...
Folks Don't fight over this..............Its useless........both Indians & PaKis on this forum are locked in this never ending debate about whose AF is better...there is no point...
what matters is that both countries have their threat perception and given their budget try to get the best...
This is so hilarious! Now lets get some things in perspective
1) India has decided to build a BMD.....bold step....just think ....a seemingly develping emerging giant is now trying to out do western world in the most sophisticated of technologies.....give credit for this move and stop disparing...
Folks kindly stop bickering over the rationality of Rafale decision.
On the brighter side understand that Rafale is an excellent bird. Even if its not the very best (and that's a big pressumption), it will fulfill the IAF requirements of a 4+ gen fighter with numerous technological transfers...
It's in my opinion AMCA will fly for the first time around 2018-2021 time frame. (Remember Tejas flew for the first time pretty early. Having said that, 2040 timeframe is too pessimistic because of the the following
1) We will definitely see either the french or the Israelis joining the project...
Its ironical that Britain and French fought couple of centuries ago to decide who will rule India. Today they are still fighting, only to decide who can grab some business with India...Somethings never change! :) lol!