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  1. R

    The pure water

    هاتون تضايق شمسي، وتدخل الشرطة Speaker's corner إنجليزي يعتنق الإسلام - يوم عظيم Speaker's corner لماذا ناقض بولس التلاميذ في قوانين الطعام والشريعة؟ The sacrifice is one of the rituals of Islam, and one of the greatest closeness and obedience to God Almighty is a revival...
  2. R

    The pure water

    حوار بين فتاة أمريكية معجبة بشخصية رسول الله والداعية حمزة ابداع How to Understand Quran if we don't know Arabic as a Language by Dr Zakir Naik Is it Compulsory to Learn Arabic Language to Understand the Quran? - Dr Zakir Naik زائر يحاول أثناء شاب عن اعتناق الإسلام...
  3. R

    The essence of the facts.......

    1/2 نظرية داروين صارت ديناً | صبور أحمد في حوار مع ملحد 2/2 نظرية داروين صارت ديناً | صبور أحمد في حوار مع ملحد اللقاحات مؤامرة صه.يونية | منصور في حوار مع زائرين الخبير شمسي بشئون المسيحيين واليهود يفتح عقولهم لكتبهم بث مبهج للمسلمين الجدد وفيه يردون على...
  4. R

    The essence of the facts.......

    The Coccyx is the last bone in the vertebral column. It was mentioned in many Hadiths that this bone is the origin of humans and the seed from which they will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment and that this part doesn’t decay in the earth. The honoured Hadiths: 1. Abu Huraira reported...
  5. R

    The essence of the facts.......

    Warning against the leprosy disease, the prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said: “Escape away from the Leprous the way you escape away from the Lion” [Refer to Bukhari] The modern Medical science discovered that leprosy disease is one of the most dangerous skin diseases which gets transferred by the...
  6. R

    The essence of the facts.......

    Stem cell research is done by using an aborted human fetus. Dr. Omar Al-Ashqar did some research about this matter in his book: "Fiqh studies about some modern medical issues," and he concluded the following: " it is forbidden to abort a fetus just for the purpose of this operation (stem cell)...
  7. R

    The essence of the facts.......

    وجدت نبوءة فى الإنجيل بالصدفه عن نبي بعد المسيح يأتى ومعه كلام الله فإعتنقت الإسلام محمد حجاب غاضباً: إسرا*ئيل ابنة زنا في حواره مع يهود 1/2 2/2 نحن نكره الصه*اينة كما يكرهوننا ولن نسكت | محمد حجاب في حوار مع يهودي هل جاء الكون من لاشيء؟ - تفسير علمي رائع من عباس
  8. R

    The essence of the facts.......

    Fever is the rise in the temperature of the human body beyond its normal range, i.e. its temperature exceeds 37 degrees Celsius, The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, gives an analogy to a fever as being a hell of extreme heat It is not a disease in itself, and it is not dangerous for...
  9. R

    The essence of the facts.......

    The traditions (sunnah) of the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, are rich in advice and instructions on such matters as hygiene, sanitation, and treatment of disease through the use of medication. In the opinion of Douglas Guthrie (A History of Medicine, 1945)...
  10. R

    The essence of the facts.......

    A true Muslim does not abandon any of the pillars of Islam, especially fasting But there are Muslims who are sinners and we ask allah to guide them to the right path Yes, God will forgive him if he converted to Islam and repented to God Even if this sinner takes his punishment in this life...
  11. R

    The essence of the facts.......

    أعطيت أيفون 12 برو ماكس لكل شخص مسلم وافق يفسد صيامه في رمضان لكن#الصدمة عربي فطر المجرمون والعاهرات أصبحوا أبطالاً لأطفالنا (مترجم) Criminals and whores are our children's heros أمريكية من طائفة شهود يهوه كانت تظن أنها على الحق الكامل حتى عرفت الإسلام يهودي يثبت صدق القرآن...
  12. R

    The best days

    After the end of the month of Ramadan On the first day of the following month, after another new moon has been sighted, a special celebration is made, called ‘Id al-Fitr. A quantity of staple food is donated to the poor (Zakat al-Fitr), Zakaah is one of the pillars of Islam which Allah...
  13. R

    The best days

    Ramadan is a month of spiritual cleansing and purification for Muslims in which we try to increase our worship, good deeds and acts of charity. The last ten days and nights hold even more significance as Allah shows great mercy to His creation. They are a chance to benefit from the immense...
  14. R

    The best days

    That Christ, peace be upon him, fasted for forty days All Christian fasts are influenced by the pagan nations, especially the Indians, Persians, Greeks and Babylonians Fasting among the Christians. I remember what the Christian groups agreed on regarding fasting, for they excluded the...
  15. R

    The best days

    welcome brothers gazak allah khiran he was Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, who made us raise our eyes from the dust beneath to view the glory of the starry heavens above. It was Muhammad who led us from the depths of darkness to the grandeur of the light of God...
  16. R

    The best days

    Not drinking water on the day of fasting has a role in the vitality and activity of red blood cells. It has a role in controlling the ability of these cells to pass through the walls of capillaries, and some types of them have a role in reducing. Acidity of the stomach, and thus inhibition of...
  17. R

    The best days

    The month of Ramadan, 9th lunar month Ramadan begins on the 9th month of the lunar year. Also, traditionally, the beginning of Ramadan is decreed when a religious sees the first crescent moon. Fasting, which concerns both food and drink, begins at dawn and lasts until sunset. Suffice to...
  18. R

    The essence of the facts.......

    The science of astronomy states that the speed of planet Mars has been decreasing in its course toward the eastern direction in the past few weeks to the level we notice the "waver" between the east and the west and on Wednesday the 30th of July the planet movement stopped going toward the...
  19. R

    The essence of the facts.......

    First to know is that the prophet prayed towards Al-Aqsa mosque before Hijrah, and after it, he prayed towards it for about seventeen months until Rajab of the second year (according to Ibn Abbas), when Allah ordered him to pray towards Kaabah. Did the Prophet pray towards Al-Aqsa at the...
  20. R

    The essence of the facts.......

    someone told me Westerners think of Thai Bhuddist monks as celibates but celibates they are not. not only monks have a penchant for violence but penchant for sex. I have been told by insiders the sickening practice where peasants bring their virgin daughter into the Bhuddist temple and...
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