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  1. R

    secrets of sleep

    ما رأيك بتحطيم تمثال بوذا باميان في افغانستان ؟ - ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik لماذا استغرق الله 6 ايام لخلق الكون وهو يستطيع خلق اي شئ فوراً ؟ ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik At a time when the science of Astronomy was still primitive, the expansion of the universe was described in Quran: “And it is We...
  2. R

    your treatment? why?

    لماذا يخلق الله المعاقين والفقراء - د ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik راهول المهندس اسئلة صعبة واجابات رائعة من د ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik
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    secrets of sleep

    س5 - لماذا يسمح الاسلام للرجل بالزواج من 4؟ || مفاهيم خاطئة عن الاسلام - ذاكر نايك س19- لماذا نتبع الاسلام؟ ولا نتبع غيره - مفاهيم خاطئة عن الاسلام - ذاكر نايك In 1512 the astronomer Nicholas Copernicus put forward his theory that the Sun is motionless at the centre of the solar system...
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    secrets of sleep

    س7 - حجاب المرأة ظلم واضطهاد || مفاهيم خاطئة عن الاسلام - ذاكر نايك يرد الدكتور ذاكر على شبهة العين الحمئة في سورة الكهف - Zakir Naik
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    secrets of sleep

    اسلام امراة بسبب سلوك رجل ملتزم دينيا وبسبب ذكاء د.ذاكر نايك - جميل جدا س11 - لماذا تركعون للكعبة ان كنتم ضد عبادة الاصنام؟ || مفاهيم خاطئة عن الاسلام - ذاكر نايك The Quran uses imagery to covey its deep meanings, here it describes the state of the unbelievers as: “Darkness out in a deep...
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    secrets of sleep

    9/11 Really Made Me Consider God: Ex Atheist Darren "My Muslim Friends Were Not Terrorists" youtube From Atheism To Islam - A Physicist Who Worked As A Scientist In BMW,Jaguar,Ford ...Etc youtube There was a cruel oppressive tribal leader named Abu Jahl who lived during the time of Prophet...
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    secrets of sleep

    friendly_troll96 thank you brother \\\ Ever since the dawn of mankind, we have sought to understand nature and our place in it. In this quest for the purpose of life many people have turned to religion. Most religions are based on books claimed by their followers to be divinely inspired...
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    secrets of sleep

    For a long time it was thought that the sense of feeling and pain was dependent on the brain. However it has been discovered that there are pain receptors present in the skin[. Without these pain receptors, a person would not be able to feel pain. Consider the following verse on pain: “We...
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    تقرير أمريكى - الإسلام سيصبح الدين الحاكم فى العالم كله انظر ماذا فعل مسلم مع نصرانيه داخل المصعد - الله اكبر !!! شاب أمريكي يشرح دماغ ملحد الفيديو الذي أسلم بسبه الكثير شاهد قبل الحذف
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    Equality between men and women

    رد فعل الناس فى امريكا عند سماعهم القرآن للمرة الأولى شاب أمريكي مسلم يتحدث عن الاسلام والمعجزات الموجودة في القرآن الكريم فيديو مؤثر جدا The narration you referred to in the question is authentic and it is reported by Al-Bukhaari, Muslim and others may Allaah have mercy upon them. The...
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    Equality between men and women

    : Good question You are courteous - Hell In the teachings of the Islamic religion 1 - includes the punishment the infidels and the polytheists, Jews, Christians and Hindus 00,000 Yet as a result of Removed from the oneness of God and its involvement God says in the Holy Qur'an in the Holy...
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    Equality between men and women

    big surprise!!!!!???
  13. R

    Equality between men and women

    On the contrary person who is Muslim should hold public office in the United States. See your own for democracy Muslims do not do it Expelled people and cut their livelihoods \\\ In the original As to avoid problems between the couple Can be avoided by the correct choice and...
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    Foam of the sea

    thank you brother PaklovesTurkiye \\\ so some one tell me; I agree with you, however, that Jesus Christ was send as a messenger by God, nothing else. Jesus said so himself as quoted in John 7:16: "I am not teaching you my own thoughts, but those of God who sent me." Much of the blame for...
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    Foam of the sea

  16. R

    Foam of the sea

    12 of Rabi Alawal 570 AD world Shines ^_^ the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (a heart touching story) She thought till late at midnight and finally decided how to take revenge from him. She could not sleep all night, because she was too eager to take revenge for the idols she...
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    Foam of the sea

    Christmas and 25th of December Many Christians are unaware that the true spirit of reverence which Muslims display towards Jesus and his mother Mary spring from the fountainhead of their faith as prescribed in the Holy Quran. Most do not know that a Muslim does not take the name of Jesus ...
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    Five of instinct()

    Islamic law From God to the people A curriculum and the Constitution of the life of this world and the Hereafter Straightening the life of a Muslim Islam is innocent of the actions of governments The application of Islamic law Will provide safety and protection and happiness Muslim and...
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    Equality between men and women

    Muslim women Must perform five prayers a day - The original Prayer in the House Because that is the best for Muslim women - If she loved (women of Muslim) pray at the mosque I do not mind this at all No person may prevent Muslim women from praying at the mosque Prophet Muhammad peace be upon...
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    Equality between men and women

    yes There are lots and lots on top of women in Islam Example - Mrs. Khadija, supported the Prophet by herself and her wealth to the establishment of Islam in the beginning Maysarah was impressed by the Prophet's integrity, strength of character, adherence to principles, his amicable...
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