..To which 'club', boy ..?
Russian were pioneering the position (already in 70s had in UAV flying) :) :
in 1990:
...and all of this 'rubish' talk comes from the posted video ...rihght
ps, just to clarify for dummies: in the video: `the casualties` are only war dogs, armed in mil-uniform... but sure.. when those chopping heads of .. (literally) 11 yo children, cutting and (literally) eating hearts of syrian...
"1. Why didn't Turkey (or any Islamic country) stop Assad from committing genocide against his own people? Its OK for Assad to murder people left and right?"
...just your brain to get healed..and dat's it...
...yeah, the "old" shyte put by some arse-h0les ala "bluddy russians w/ assad gassing innocent children.." (yeah, exactelly on the "very right" moment (just to remind some scumbags in here Assad's winning actually, so no means for his); but where's the clear eveidences isn't as thing in their...