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  1. FlyCheatter

    End of ISIS? Putin sends in his most ruthless special forces killers to finish off jihadis

    Who is behind Syrian Observatory for Human Rights? Nimrod Kamer investigates for RT — RT News EXCLUSIVE: Man who runs SOHR admits to RT he last visited Syria 15 years ago — RT News
  2. FlyCheatter

    Ukraine Legalizes Foreigners in Ukraine Army

    Well, it's all kinda mess (with all that American involvment and fincancing extrimists in Ukr for years, just like in other places of the planet), see,for example I live in Russia, and my sister lives in Ternopol twn and brother in Polatava twn (both Ukraine); and this is like for millions of...
  3. FlyCheatter

    Russian Show in Syria - lets discuss

    ... me kinda don't like the chancellor Merkel, but she just like Assad in Syria is legitimate leader of the (corresp) contry, like it or not. Say, Gaddafi wasn't very pleasent person, though being legit leader (dictator who made Libya undergoing modernisation/development, economically/other...
  4. FlyCheatter

    Russian Show in Syria - lets discuss

    ...kinda hard be going denying the rubbish talks like dat...
  5. FlyCheatter

    Russian Show in Syria - lets discuss

    Well, and talking about religious wars: consider the history of europa; until Louis 14th of france were're cr.p like dat - rabble fighting each other.. until the MODERNITY time ("I am the State/France" statement); so, kinda those (not very pleasant I agree) dictators, i.e Mubarak, Gaddafi, Assad...
  6. FlyCheatter

    Russian Show in Syria - lets discuss

    ...don't go dry though... o_O with those wet dreams / isolations
  7. FlyCheatter

    Russian Show in Syria - lets discuss

    wooff, you'r sitting in turkey and crying on "Russian occupations"?.. Point is simple, dictator Erdogan was funding ISIL, buying oil/legalizing Oil from them and had in mind blowing away Assad regime to establish... his empire (occupying / vassalising Syria) ... But, Turkishs', plz don't blame...
  8. FlyCheatter

    Russian Show in Syria - lets discuss

    First off, I don't really get why turkish boys're getting so bristle/fcucked up to the head, jeeess; Nobody attacking you/wish anything bad to you here in Russia, so wtf. Second, they did shot Lada / Varshavyanka based (initially for Lada submarines) Kalibr missles with up to 2500 km radius...
  9. FlyCheatter

    Russian Military Intervention Reality Check

    Insult to our intelligence: New information war against Russia — RT Op-Edge
  10. FlyCheatter

    Did Russian aircraft miss their targets in Syria?

    Insult to our intelligence: New information war against Russia — RT Op-Edge
  11. FlyCheatter

    Did Russian aircraft miss their targets in Syria?

    Wow, nice to see a .. couple.. chinees and frenchee go with rubbish talk like dat (I kinda understand the point of the Chineese guy - just be a provocator, writting lots of rubbish, though sitting in a sofa, doing nothing; then glorious frenchee comes out dizzy with "successes"); here to...
  12. FlyCheatter

    Tupolev Tu-134UBL, Tu-134UBK, Tu-134UBKM and Tu-134Sh jet aircraft

    yeeyh, quite an ugly muttant (nose taken from TU-160/TU-22 ) :)
  13. FlyCheatter

    Did Russian aircraft miss their targets in Syria?

    Ok , Su-34 just came and to start operating soon ;)
  14. FlyCheatter

    Lada Vesta will destroy all Western/Japanese Cars. 8200€ only

    :D:D ... On the other hand, me was planningn to buy vesta soon ... but, geee, I wait another 10 years and buy POSRSHE ... yaaaaa
  15. FlyCheatter

    Did Russian aircraft miss their targets in Syria?

    well, relax people, they're using guided bombs (kinda developed plethora of the tech type science SU times + more in current - Glonass/Laser/IR/Televis guided); just the thing - Syrians for very long were saying that terrorists're in such a huuge love of digging undeground tunnels (from what me...
  16. FlyCheatter

    Russia trying hard to export Il-76MD-90A airlifter to China

    LOL, ok, you know better... just alil addition though: talking about things like specs is premature before all comprehensive testduites are applied / plane cerification done (very offten expectations are reduced in form of those specs and plane's being, sometimes quite drasrically...
  17. FlyCheatter

    Iran: Most developed country in Muslim world thanks to Western sanctions

    well, imho, technically, may be the Turkey should be called most developed islamic country.. well, ... just saying :) Cheers
  18. FlyCheatter

    Russia trying hard to export Il-76MD-90A airlifter to China

    Well, the info is open( so I don't go for links - easy to find), "supercritical wing" - sollely developed in Russia/Ukraine, engines for Y-20 are just old Soviet D-30-KP2 (which in Ilyushin substituted with more modern PS-90A/A3), moreover, Il-76 to have supercritical Black wing (composite)...
  19. FlyCheatter

    Russia Warns Bulgaria Against Servicing MiG-29 Fighter Jets in Poland

    "true - "Самдурак" (С) I got your answer, buddy! ("truth it hurts isnt it ... forgot who is crying about this deal" - ooo my... we see Poets are comming out, geeeee :) )
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