Obviously Europe will side with Pakistan?
hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No.
The dollar is crashing? Why don't you look at the dollar - yuan index. Near year highs.
Pakistan doesn't need a loan? You call 9 billion in reserves enough? Especially when Pakistan is...
Pop goes the Chinese bubble.
What are the Chinese going to do? Further bankrupt ZTE by putting a tariff on American semiconductors, which they are going to buy no matter what?
I hope the Chinese devalue their currency. It would be a death knell to their global currency ambitions.
Russia overall still has better tech than China does, but it's barely noticeable at this point.
Russia is 100% the junior partner. They have desperate monetary needs.
You cannot counter a fifth generation aircraft with anything other than another fifth generation aircraft. 10 S-400's and domestic sams spammed is probably the best bet along with a plane.
pretty good discussion on it.
You'd be lucky to get the J-31. J-20 is off limits as much as the F-22 is I'd imagine.
No one sells their crown jewel this early until infancy until they have a better option.
add it to MMRCA 2 plox.
At the very minimum this plane is well suited for the navy needs. Especially those 4 LHD's. Rafale M is not a great plane relative to the land variant. F-35B is above anything India can get for the next 40 years. STOVL planes are niche.
The only "major power," with strong demographics is India and their demographic problem is too many people. China and Russia are all about to have a major demographic crisis. US fertility is on the rebound...
Vector thrust is not that important lol.
I'd put it at
super power - USA
Major power - India, France, UK, Russia, China^approaching superpower.
everyone else.
Wrong, Russia was a superpower. Historical technological achievements don't mean anything. Russian economy is smaller than Italy's. Disastrous demographics.
USA has 2 operational fifth generation aircraft, Russia has none.
Can anyone name a single consumer brand with international name recognition from Russia?
Oil, weapons and natural resources. Demographics are about to CRASH for Russia as well.