they fear international community see black face so they do this. I'm patient to discuss with them but they don't want to this. They use trick so i post this papers to give other people information^^ this is true, i think i don't do false.^^
ah, you want to invade sea of other country so you want to ban me? do you know this is international forum, not your home, ok? i have right to post article for everyone read. ok? this is china defence so i post about China, ok?
anh vao day post may cai tu lieu nuoc ngoai ve HS-TS ho em cai, vi trang HSO die roi nen em ko the len day lay ai lieu de up len day duoc
bon em de topic nay chi post ve tai lieu de nguoi nuoc ngoai...
follow i know, in VN there're many bad product and this is your cunning of China government.
All good products are produced by Chinese exposed to developed countried but poissoned products exposed to Viet Nam & some other countries. So can you defend for this?
funny, you can't defend for bad acts of China government so you want to ban? I don't see you on other topic from begining and now you appear and demand "ban"?
You should know this is an international forum, so if you can't have enough knowledge to debate, you should keep silent and ponder old...
cau dung dinh vao day nhe, ben an ninh noi chung khong bat den xanh cho viec nay. Minh` thi` bo tay roi vif hom bua~ bi tom' len do^n` vi toi to chuc bt, gio` cung~ hoi on'