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    Iran will establish a permanent station in Antarctica

    NO. I think I see the issue. When I said it was closer to Brazil I did not say it was closer to Brazil than Antarctica. I said it was closer to Brazil meaning it was even closer to Brazil than Antarctica (the mainland) is to Brazil. Hope this helps
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    12 Chinese cities bid for the 2036 Olympic Games, Which city do you support

    Whichever city gets it, I wish them luck! In financial terms, most Olympic games for the last few decades have been a disaster or at least a huge loss. Including Beijing in 2008! https://finance.yahoo.com/news/past-olympics-made-profit-160020931.html
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    Stupid & Funny from Around the World :Continued

    You don't understand. They are actually fans of the Kiwi cricket team practicing the Haka for the next match!
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    Pakistan ‘finalises’ free trade agreement with GCC

    And with everyone else that any one of those GCC countries has an FTA and each of their FTAs and so on. 😈 The expanded list is... interesting. Can I guess that not all goods are covered by this embryonic FTA and that countries can still ban goods from certain origin countries?
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    BREAKING | ARTSAKH IS HISTORY / Azerbaijan won!! 🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿

    Maybe but some questions do come to mind. Is this not the end but really just a start to turmoil in the region? - Now that the power disparity between Azerbaijan and Armenia has reached this point will Azerbaijan insist on a land bridge (a Zangezur corridor) between its Nakhchivan enclave and...
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    6.8 Morocco Earthquake

    I still haven't heard a logical explanation for why only a tiny fraction of the international offers of experienced and well equipped rescue and medical teams and the like were accepted. Turkey for instance during its recent terrible earthqake was happy to have teams from all over the world...
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    Iran will establish a permanent station in Antarctica

    Allow me to educate you then. The Brazilian Antarctic base - the Comandante Ferraz Antarctic research station is located on King George Island which if you take but a moment to look up is indeed located closer to Brazil than the Antarctic Mainland. https://maps.app.goo.gl/MasNFq84XbUdUuAY9 As...
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    Global Times: Oversupply in China’s housing market remains a problem:former statistician "even 1.4 billion people cannot fill all those vacant houses"

    If only foreign investors had not also invested in China's property market or development firms. The coming storm could possibly have been limited to the unfortunate Chinese people who have largely invested their life's savings into this market. But alas.
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    Iran will establish a permanent station in Antarctica

    I assure you that Brazil is a lot closer to Antarctica than Iran. You will just have to trust me on that. 😀 The reason I linked the Brazilian base is that I found a price tag for it. $100M. In the interests of determining how much Iran would likely need to spend to build a base as per the...
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    Iran will establish a permanent station in Antarctica

    Sure. If someone can find the cost of a more modest base, that would be great.
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    Iran will establish a permanent station in Antarctica

    If the $100M Comandante Ferraz Antarctic research station linked in my previous poat is any guide, it IS on the coast and in fact is not even on the Antarctic mainland but rather closer to Brazil. Presumably it becomes ice bound less, is easier to resupply and isn't 10,000 miles away from Brazil...
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    Shahed drone factory is on fire!

    Does the ABC/Associated Press count as independently established? https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/fire-breaks-time-car-battery-factory-run-irans-103563588
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    Shahed drone factory is on fire!

    https://iranwire.com/en/news/120993-factory-run-by-iranian-defense-ministry-hit-by-fire-again/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/fire-erupts-at-battery-factory-run-by-iranian-defense-ministry-for-2nd-time-in-days/ https://www.iranintl.com/202309226947...
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    Deluded Europe can’t see that it’s finished

    Agreed but actually China is a lot worse off. While demographic data from China is notoriously suspect, subject to revision and taken with an ocean of salt, its TFR is either 1.3 (WSJ), 1.18 (Pew Research) or even below 1.09 (Reuters). This means that compared to almost all of Europe, China...
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    Iran will establish a permanent station in Antarctica

    Apparently to build a nice Antarctic base costs $100 million USD (or did back in 2016, probably more now). Plus of course many more millions of USD annualy in logistics, maintenance and other operational costs. The latter would, of course, depend on how many missil... I mean, people Iran intends...
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    Israel and Germany sign 'historic' Arrow 3 missile defense deal

    From 2018-2022 Israel was only the 10th largest defence related exporter Russia's little adventure in Ukraine has caused numerous countries to visit with long military shopping lists. I don't think for 2023-2026 Israel will be down at #10.
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    Syrian First Lady gets massively popular in China, dubbed"Damascus rose" on Chinese social media

    Oh good. I presume now China will come and restoring the whole of Syria's critical water shortage crisis...
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    Deluded Europe can’t see that it’s finished

    So... if Europe is circling the drain demographically and is losing relevance, may I enquire why has China poured trillions into the BRI for the main purpose of efficiently pouring trade from it to Europe? Why has India and the Middle East made such a huge deal of a plan to, you guessed it, have...
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    Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

    You already asked this before. I have partially answered it before. (The agricultural aspect - your assumptions, in my humble opinion are wrong). Post in thread 'Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?' https://pdf.defence.pk/threads/should-pakistan-recognize-israel.776539/post-14532002 Yours is a...
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    What wikipedia says about Muslims and education attainment

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