LOL ******** mate ?? Those people use diesel gensets and they dont have electricity lines in their area !! But shame on BD with 14 hours of power cuts ! ;)
what a disgusting piece of machinery and shame on ADA.. what the fcuk does ADA engg go back home and tell their kids.. that they did nothing in their life ??? 30 years is a lifetime worth of exp for many :lol:
my points exactly.. The muslims groups with their thirst for blood can't be quenched. They will find an excuse to unleash violence on you.. better to not invite them over !
yeah and OBL was the greatest human of the 21st century to have walked the earth ! you guys can't get enough of the BS...
LOL ! Relax guys. It was a cheesy line in a weird way. I was actually taking a swipe at the country next door !
It came out completely wrong i suppose. My apologies !
why doesn't pakistan nuke the buddhists in myanmar ? They can launch theur shupah dupah missile right ? Or they are for display and garnering islamic funding from sauds ? :cheesy:
I AM NOT GOING TO TRY HARD CONVINCING YOU.. but I would only tell you some facts ! During the last elections, the bajrang Dal and other dumbass groups actually campaigned against many candidates fielded by modi cause it seems MODI was not supportive of their movement ! Anyways, make informed...
@seiko ! What are you talking about ?
NaMO has erased more temples then any other CM combined because their locations were hampering the smooth development of the process..