congrats Pakistan .
Jordan did not need these jets because they have no enemy, the Jordanian government is an ally of Israel so they have no immediate use for these jets.
Well, this man has countered Zionist Mossad actions across the middleast while on the other hand the Arabs of the gulfs states like Saudi Arabia actually cooperate with Mossad and supply al Qaeda to kill their fellow Arabs across the middleast in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and god knows where else...
@Hazzy997 never doubt that Saudi Arabia and Jordan's government are allies of Israel. Notice how al-hasani and black eagle don't like when you post the truth.
Good for china, maybe they could civilize these sub Saharan Africans who still walk around naked and eat people. The only thing these people respect is power so make sure to bring your whips. :butcher::mamba:
At least the Iranians are tolerant and allow Arabs in as their fellow brothers.
Imagine if a bunch of Iranians asked to be Saudi citizens, the Saudis would either deport or kill them.:astagh:
I don't see how ashkNAZI European Jews have a legitimate claim to anything in the middleast. They belong in Europe, but nobody really wants them Even in Europe.
Iran was the first country to congratulate and recognize Pakistan after partition. Iran is your neighbor show some decency and give them back their security guards.
seems that Saudi Arabian oil money has made some Pakistanis extra arrogant.
Or maybe Pakistan government does not have control...