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    Jordanian Armed Forces JAF

    Jordan, Israel and Saudi Arabia are allies you don't have to worry about new equipment Israel will protect you.
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    Saudi plan for anti-Hezbollah force

    Saudi Arabia and Israel are two sides of the same coin, that is why you both hate hizballah. The shaitan al aqaeda and Osama bin laden are from Saudi Arabia . When was the last time the Saudi army had the guts to fight anyone one on one? They got scared of saddam and ran crying to America...
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    Are Foreign, Regional Hands Plotting Downfall Of Egypt?

    Qatar is an israeli puppet like Saudi Arabia .
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    Ukrainian Priest who supports the opposition: We dont want to be ruled by Niggers, Jews and Russians

    The red army was a communist army, Stalin cared nothing for your average Russian citizen. What happened to Russia after hitler was defeated it became poor until the fall of communism. Communism is a Zionist Jew creation. Most of the top communist officials in Russia at the time were Zionist Jews...
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    Ukrainian Priest who supports the opposition: We dont want to be ruled by Niggers, Jews and Russians

    Nobody really wants their home country to be multi cultural, and nobody wants foreign people to rule them. This priest is speaking the truth that no one wants to admit but all agree with him inside their minds. The multi cultural agenda is the brain child of the Jews to cause tensions and weaken...
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    A truly multi-cultural India is a myth

    Multi culturalism does not work in any country, look at Europe , Africa, and middleast. Look at Asia even Chinese , Japanese and Koreans dislike each other even though they look similar and have similar culture.
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    Report: Iran, Jordan to exchange ambassadors

    What's it your business if he posts a factual article about 2 countries exchanging ambassadors? Last time I checked this was a Pakistani forum and not a Saudi forum.
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    Saudi Arabia’s new anti-terrorism law to criminalise any form of dissent

    Saudi Arabia the country that supports al Qaeda is making anti-terrorism laws.:mamba:
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    Because of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan will forever be connected to Osama bin laden. Saudi Arabia has given you a bad image in the western world.
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    Most Americans see Afghan war as failure

    I never said go to war, where did you read that? Stop being dishonest.
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    Saudi scholars were ‘right’ on Hezbollah

    you want this thread deleted so you can hide the truth about Saudi Arabia.:astagh:
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    Iraq to buy weapons from Iran

    Your right if Saudi Arabia is so brave why do they need American forces on their land.
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    Most Americans see Afghan war as failure

    You first claimed they are allies which is not true, simple as that. No excuses Drone strikes on civilians and killing a couple dozen of your soldier is not an ally.
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    Most Americans see Afghan war as failure

    No, but don't lie and call them your allies. I can detect a lie from far away. When you lie you commit a sin.
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    Most Americans see Afghan war as failure

    Why your ally kill your women and children and 24 soldiers? This sound like an ally? Then what is an enemy?
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    Azerbaijani, Turkish communities hold protest action in Stockholm

    No matter how bad you wish you were a European you are NOT! From what I have read many Turks have mongoloid blood. Do not act like you are better than anyone as your ancestors are from Mongolia :yay: exactly the Turks treated the Armenians the same way the nazis treated the Jews.
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    Most Americans see Afghan war as failure

    True they have failed, but if they are able to maintain a military base there that is enough for them to carry out strikes against Pakistan and Iran .
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