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  1. Tractor

    China HSR News And Information: Original Translation

    我不是那个意思哈,我只是想说作为政治领袖把别的国家文学作品中很空泛的概念很突兀地“拿来”显得很天真(或者更不客气地说很不稳重,很幼稚),尤其是在上任之初说“大家都在谈论‘中国梦’”,真的有吗?有没有“被谈论”的感觉? 另,这几天突然之间从上到下都在抓足球哈,说要搞什么去“职业化”(或者相反),如果我没搞错的话,皆因为我们的领导人喜欢足球
  2. Tractor

    China Seeks Enhanced Cooperation With U.S., Xi Jinping Tells Henry Kissinger

    Oh,he was also born in 1923. Same age Lee Kuan Yew is dying today.
  3. Tractor

    China HSR News And Information: Original Translation

    Interests and princeling means principle.
  4. Tractor

    China HSR News And Information: Original Translation

    习大大(依我看,大家这么称呼他,他都没反应,你说权威何在?) 中国梦(美国梦),丝绸之路(血泪之路),当年留洋时受到的些许熏陶,如今很天真的拿来喊口号用
  5. Tractor

    China HSR News And Information: Original Translation

    江很多人骂哈,腐不腐的和咱没关系,不过回顾历史还是很有意思的 江六四时在上海,远离风暴中心,过后“临危受命”稳定政局 温六四时是站在赵紫阳那边的,可后来又是江的秘书 胡六四时在西藏,天高皇帝远啊,也因此得济
  6. Tractor

    China HSR News And Information: Original Translation

    天津人均国民生产总值全国第一,呵呵 天津日伪时期的市长叫温世珍,也是天津宜兴埠人 世(家)珍(宝)
  7. Tractor

    Japan NHK report: Clear photos of China building artificial islands in SCS

    Now I know why we are now making SCS into middle-east looked-like.Is the environmental cost too much? It seems you have played Warcraft series.
  8. Tractor

    Japan NHK report: Clear photos of China building artificial islands in SCS

    But it can not move the point is.
  9. Tractor

    What is Japan's mainland?

    DNA?These people just accidently have been infected by the aliens' viruses.
  10. Tractor

    Japan NHK report: Clear photos of China building artificial islands in SCS

    Just like Caribbean is under the protection of the US although a little bit far away.
  11. Tractor

    Japan NHK report: Clear photos of China building artificial islands in SCS

    Another Caribbean should be the common goal of SCS surrounding countries. We all know Caribbean had a violent history and now the target of global tourists.
  12. Tractor

    What is Japan's mainland?

    I found this pic on Baidu. This people may have russian blood,we all know which country to the north of Japan.Even there are russian people in China too.
  13. Tractor

    Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

    Here is the map published in 1960.It shows northwest of Myammar today were Chinese territory.But later China gave up that land. This is today's map.
  14. Tractor

    India to cooperate with Japan, Russia in disaster management

    In my view I see two Indian sitting together. And this showing Orientals and aliens.
  15. Tractor

    CeBIT 2015 with huge China presence opens in Germany

    Oh,Ma's face just looks normal on the screen.That's why he likes selfie so much.
  16. Tractor

    PM Modi's China visit is a step in the right direction

    Maybe just on the contrary I mean for PLA.
  17. Tractor

    Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

  18. Tractor

    Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

    缅甸现在不是统一的吗?不同一倒是事实。 不过缅甸人大部分应该是和我们一样的人吧,就像越南一样。 现在中越也就南海还有一些小分歧
  19. Tractor

    Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

    缅甸兄弟请咱们说英语,这提醒我们越是在边境地区越要淡化中国的存在,无论南北东西,因为我们的疆域不限于此 缅甸这里即便那边有汉人,也应该让他们多学习学习英语和当地的语言
  20. Tractor

    Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

    You look like Chinese or Indian? I see your flag is like ROC's.
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