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  1. turkbordobereli

    Çay Bahçesi

    Hepinizin bayramı mübarek olsun. Eid mubarak
  2. turkbordobereli

    Turkish Aviation Programs

    Lütfen tamamını okuyun. KT-1 alımının perde arkası.. Hürkuş Yerine KT-1 Alınacak mı? Neden ? - Tarafsız Haber
  3. turkbordobereli

    Turkish Aviation Programs

    :) Yerli Uçağın Hayaleti mi Geziyor? - Tarafsız Haber
  4. turkbordobereli

    Çay Bahçesi

    Tatile Antalya'ya gelen var mı? Yardımcı olayım :)
  5. turkbordobereli

    Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

    I made a clip for Navy SOF :)
  6. turkbordobereli

    Turkish General Elections 2015 (June 7, 2015)

    Also Malatya's kurds are mostly patriot. They don't support HDP. I know because old "Ülkü Ocakları Başkanı" was Kurd. I'm from Malatya and I'm Turk but I know a lot of Kurds and Armenian and i think they are better than some Turks.
  7. turkbordobereli

    Turkish General Elections 2015 (June 7, 2015)

    That's Turkey's Hizbullah, not international.. Radical islamic Kurdish terrorist organization Erdoğan support ISIS? Actually anybody don't know, i can say "maybe" but i don't know. Republican People's Party supporting to Syrian Goverment "Bessar Esad". Because CHP(RPP)'s leader have same...
  8. turkbordobereli

    Visiting marmaris

    Sorry, i don't want to make a peace with them.. If this make me stupid, yes i am.
  9. turkbordobereli

    Turkish General Elections 2015 (June 7, 2015)

    Para sanki benim param Allah aşkına bu nasıl bir üsluptur. Ben diyorum ekonomi çökerse ülke b.ka batar bundan korkuyorum sadece. Milli projelere bütçe ayrılmamasından korkuyorum. Eğer öyle olacaksa bir an önce birileri koalisyon yapsın, kim yaparsa yapsın ekonomi bozulmasın yoksa projeler güme...
  10. turkbordobereli

    Turkish General Elections 2015 (June 7, 2015)

    I want to hear your comments about KHK. I read something about it. They said Erdogan has a KHK now. Is it true?
  11. turkbordobereli

    Turkish General Elections 2015 (June 7, 2015)

    I know But If MHP accept to HDP's trust vote, sonunu hazırlar.I voted for MHP but if they accept to cooperation with HDP, i will never vote for them. And a lot of MHP voters thinks like me.
  12. turkbordobereli

    Turkish General Elections 2015 (June 7, 2015)

    You will see after 6 months.. I'm not AKP supporter, i voted for MHP. Our economy is kırılgan because of AKP's bad economy policy, kırılırsa durduramayız. Sonra projeler takır takır düşer bütçesizlikten.. O kadar kredi veriliyor projelere , faizler coşarsa ne yapacağız?
  13. turkbordobereli

    Turkish General Elections 2015 (June 7, 2015)

    Türkiye ile Belçikayı karşılaştırmak, Tofaş ile Ferrariyi karşılaştırmak olur. Adamlar içkilerini yudumlayıp Ortadoğu'yu izliyor, keyifler tıkır. Bizim içimizde dışımızda istikrarsızlık fışkırıyor. Bu coğrafyadaki bir hükümetsiz ülkeye kim niye yatırım yapsın ki? Ben olsam yapmam. Haliyle...
  14. turkbordobereli

    Turkish General Elections 2015 (June 7, 2015)

    MHP don't want to cooperation with AKP but they will want to cooperation with HDP? No, this is absolutely wrong. Akıldışı..
  15. turkbordobereli

    Turkish General Elections 2015 (June 7, 2015)

    I am worried about our defence industry projects.. You? We need to big export with our defence industry now.If we can't, all projects can die. We need too much money for defence industry projects because our economy will destroy in 6 months. We need to sell some T129 or MILGEM quickly
  16. turkbordobereli

    Turkish General Elections 2015 (June 7, 2015)

    I think th Yes you are right. He can make coalition with CHP but if he make a coalition with HDP... I can believe to spiderman religion :)
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