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  1. W

    The 15 countries with the highest military expenditure in 2012

    I thought France was the strongest European nation, how is spending below UK?
  2. W

    US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

    LOL at the bold.
  3. W

    US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

    Dont mind him, he thinks muslim nations will rule the world economically. It pains him to see some Athiest nations rise to places where his beloved Arabs can never go.
  4. W

    Chinese Arab people

    I've always found Korean and Japanese to look more "East Asian" than the average Chinese. There has been a lot of mixture in China over the years with neighbouring non mongoloid nations.
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    Burqa ban sparks violence across Paris

    And that difference is what I was trying to highlight. If France limited immigration to cultures which are more in line with the French way of life, they would not have the issues they do now.
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    Burqa ban sparks violence across Paris

    These issues will remain until France decides not to host unproductive hostile populations. Th East Asian tigers are roaring ahead while France worries about some irrelevant issues.
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    prism and nsa - how america spies on us

    Its just a search engine - there are so many to choose from- Use ASK.com if it means that much to you. It's Microsoft that is the real big fish.
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    India warns US of move to revive Khalistan

    India has a billion people.
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    Average IQ by Country

    When was this? India gained its independence in late 1940's. Are you comparing after of before that period?
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    Egypt cuts all relations with Syrian Gov

    From google: France $2.7 trillion. Turkey: 775 billion Not half.
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    Iran issues ultimatum on IP gas pipeline

    Pakistan holds the cards here - If Iran wants access to Afghanistan - Pakistan is necessary.
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    Average IQ by Country

    China is held back due to its massive population. We can compare smaller nations which are ethnic Chinese like Singapore , taiwan with small nations populated mainly by Indians or even other South Asians. None come close. East asians outperform the rest of Asia. South Asians are least...
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    Average IQ by Country

    I would like to see your source for that. From what I've read - it takes centuries for any changes to occur, and the reason East Asian have higher IQ's and lager cranial capacity is due to colder temperatures and the resultant seasonal changes requiring forward thinking and team work ability to...
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    Try it and see how the Arabs cut off the oil and other goodies.
  15. W

    Japanese Ambassador at an UN meeting: why you are laughing, shut up!

    I noticed that they bow to each other in meetings - is that also present in China?
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    Average IQ by Country

    It was of indigenous populations. White Australians would be the same as other Western Europeans. @Topic - this IQ chart resembles the HDI chart- excluding anomalies such as oil rich Arab nations.
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    Burqa ban sparks violence across Paris

    Its really only muslims. Other religions are more liberal or adaptable.
  18. W

    US offers 'military support' to Syrian rebels

    As Churchill once said "we have won the war". US supplied forces beat the Soviets - Russia and Iran stand no chance. All nations are dumb to meddle in semitic affairs - but Iran nor russia can match the US and EU.
  19. W

    Burqa ban sparks violence across Paris

    People have their interpretations, secular in Turkey also means scarf is banned in Government buildings. Same like Saudi Arabians have their own interpretations on who is really a muslim/Arab - and claim to be an Islamic sharia state despite kingdoms being forbidden in islam. So the French...
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