Its unfair that Arabs are expected to basically carry the weight if all Muslims. So many here have been critizing the Arab nations for inaction yet their own nations have never been anything but observers.
I know Chinese women dress more liberal than Indian and Muslim women and are more present in the workplace. Is rape a problem in China and its neighbors like Korea?
He already said 1/3rd of Chinas reserves are US bonds. Why would China destroy its own wealth? And whats wrong with being the worlds factory? China has the worlds largest population, the middle class is not yet that large as a %age of population where China would have enough jobs for everyone...
They already do. They are the worlds largest trading nation. Its just some markets have a larger middle class and higher living standards, meaning better opportunity to sell Chinese goods.
The gulf nations actually have very low population, despite their high incomes.
Isnt the point of a nexus, not having to update because software is recent?
Is the build quality of the nexus 4 that bad?
I just hope the speakers are loud, my n3 speakers suck.
Most of the arab world uses the Palestinian issue to further their own agendas. With Assad on the chopping board, this probably wont be noticed.
People always seem to forget that Arabs have it pretty well, they have tons of land which is among the worlds richest in resources, high...
the scarf has been part of Turkish culture for centuries, glad they are just re-embracing their turkish-ness.
The Japanese during the Meiji period banned Samurai swords. Unfortunately they are still banned in public, in today's Japan.