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  1. _Nabil_

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    PRESIDENT BIDEN: I will do everything in my power to bring gasoline prices down. Biden: Announces the release of 15 million barrels of oil from the reserve Meantime: Brent crude rose $2.38 a barrel to $92.41 a barrel
  2. _Nabil_

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    In Russia: In Ukraine:
  3. _Nabil_

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    There was a scandal years ago about the poor conditions of the gears of the German troops, I have to look further to find it. This is 2022, still, the situation is the same : The German army, air force and navy have long had to work with insufficient equipment. They lack mission-capable tanks...
  4. _Nabil_

    Opinionated - Pakistan must actively join the war against Russia

    What suits him better? Pajeet, Patwari or bharti?
  5. _Nabil_

    Russia Has ‘Upgraded’ Iranian Shahed-136 Kamikaze Drones To Boost Its Lethality & Accuracy — Military Experts

    Welcome back ✌️, your inputs have been missed in the R/U thread. Just spare us "Russia population is 4 x Ukraine" ✌️
  6. _Nabil_

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    A whole national security council held, to give such futiles decisions?
  7. _Nabil_

    US military in decline, threats from China ‘formidable,’ report says

    As long as you are trading with dollars, your assets are in dollars and your Yuan is weak you can't do shit, sorry to be frank. Get rid of those trillions of $ and you will be a real super power.
  8. _Nabil_

    Ready to buy Russian oil at same rate India is purchasing: Ishaq Dar

    The train has left the station and your imported government still snoring in its sleep 😪💤
  9. _Nabil_

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Lolz, please spare me your Hypocrisy The term collateral damage and chirurgical strikes remind you something? Wasn't to post this as Ukrainian staging is very known https://****/proofzzz Replace *** with t dot me PS: what about those?
  10. _Nabil_

    US military in decline, threats from China ‘formidable,’ report says

    True and goes both ways. Americans are also downplaying Chines advances. It's a fair game after all.
  11. _Nabil_

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    They do the job, what do you want more ????
  12. _Nabil_

    US military in decline, threats from China ‘formidable,’ report says

    It's China fastening the pace, not really USA in decline.
  13. _Nabil_

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    I guess they just teasing you, just like you are criticizing their UAVs
  14. _Nabil_

    France: Mass protests erupt in Paris against NATO, demands for exit

    Did your father heard if this one or should I delete it?
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