You know for once stop declaring who is what. If his views are different from yours, does that make him an indian!? This psychology has gotten us nowhere. Live my friend and let others live.
Why can't both the counties accept that the other has a fighter program, indeginous or not, and the fighters are pretty deadly. There is only one way to find out which jet is better then the other and that's in actual war which won't be happening any time soon. So just buzz off. What a wasted...
The arguments may be stupid but the Indians are pretty damn good at veiling them as legitimate reasons. You see, it works both ways, if India can not survive without Russian help, Russia can not survive without constant multi billion dollar injections into their economy by the Indians.
Do the...
Would this be a wise idea? India already operates Russia's most advanced SAMS, S-300 and in near future S-400. They'd know the loop holes in this technology to exploit it. If we use Russian SAMs, we'd be at the receiving end don't you think?
And what have we achieved with this break through? Let me know when we neutralize these scums. and by scums i mean the Indian cultural centers that line our border with Afghanistan.
why cant we just blow up these consulates with proxies? i mean just blow em up! Haven't we had enough of this crap? First these indians stage an attack on their own base and then use it to fuel a proxy war here.
Black mailing or not, Indian Lobby has user again screwed us over and all we did was sit quietly on the sidelines to let India do their thing with the Lankans. Foreign Office is as crappy as it can get
I am asking this as a rhetorical question so no need to put fatwas on me, point is in my opinion, calling on the dead is shirk. i know that Hazrat Ali RA was renowned for his bravery but doesnt that become religiously wrong when you say Ya Ali?
or is it just that they dont really mean Ya Ali in...
From what I know, Ya in Arabic is used only for the living as in YaAllah. Assuming the military comprises mostly of Sunnis, how come Ya Ali is a popular phrase?
If this little beast of ours has pulled this stunt off, it really has matured since its inception. The engine issues I believe are all but sorted out (smoke!!.)
The real question however, is can it pull this off at full payload?
Its a good move. We clearly showed our intent during the Yemen Conflict by not sending our troops. Now to appease the Saudis and control damage, we might as well accept our role as watchmen and get the money that we desperately need