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  1. elis

    Hagel: China warship action 'irresponsible'

    Says JEW USA who arm zionist Al Qaeda to invade everyone There are no rules anymore because of JEW USA who deserve to be invadedx with gipsies freedom democrats
  2. elis

    Mossad, Bush planned, executed 9/11

    It was the JEWS who made the 911 with the 3 towers destroyed by controlled demolitions to have their war in Iraq, not Al Qaeda of my *** JEW USA bombed daily Iraq between 1991 & 2003. Allbright the JEW has killed +500 000 iraqis kids with the embargo and Bush the JEW killed + 1 millions of...
  3. elis

    Who's the Next World Superpower?

    The people who can enslave the anglo saxons zionists terrorists
  4. elis

    Israel is digging its own watery grave

    JEWS are thirsty, that's why they want to enslave all the arabs to steal their water Lebanon tenders encroach on Israeli waters
  5. elis

    11-year-old Saudi Arabian girl launches YouTube English language series

    Pointless thread Children launch youtube channels everywhere @Moderators please suppress this propaganda with no ties with the world news
  6. elis

    Qatar offers to help Iran develop world’s biggest gas field

    They say they help, but they never say if they have the competence And no one can trust a zionist trojan
  7. elis

    The United States needs air power, but it does not need an air force.

    I think i have already told you that they are also in Mexico
  8. elis

    The United States needs air power, but it does not need an air force.

    As i said, it needs time If you want to wait that they plan their agression and wait quietly for their missiles, it's you who decide No it's freedom democrats like Al Qaeda in Syria
  9. elis

    Palestinian fighters with Iranian-made Sayyad-2 anti-material rifle

    Iranian & palestinians heroes again, they never behead contrary to JEW Al Qaeda
  10. elis

    Libyan Army Base Is Hit by a Deadly Suicide Bomb Attack

    http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/22/world/middleeast/libyan-army-base-is-hit-by-a-deadly-suicide-bomb-attack.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0 Clearly it's always you the zionist salafists anti-arabs sect who always make problems and killings everywhere to dirty Islam. Your anti-alawite, anti-shia...
  11. elis

    Qatar offers to help Iran develop world’s biggest gas field

    Too late JEW Qatar, you've attacked Syria now prepare to die
  12. elis

    US accuses Islamic activists of giving millions to Al Qaeda

    Openheimer, Einstein, all JEWS crooks put at their place by money and the relationships & popularized by the JEWS medias. Einstein also invented the nuclear bomb. Little problem: the Research and Development team didn't know him and he never attended the Enola gay test. Israel has the nuke in...
  13. elis

    The United States needs air power, but it does not need an air force.

    Not hard: JEW USA rely on massive air force It needs time to make plans to terrorize people with their drones or their jets If we rush them, they can't do anything You are clowns, the day that mexican Ms13 freedom fighters realize that if they rush you, you can't don anything, you're all dead...
  14. elis

    Why Obama should pardon Snowden

    Why Snowden should forgive Obama
  15. elis

    US accuses Islamic activists of giving millions to Al Qaeda

    JEW USA are totally schizophrenic: they accuse themselves
  16. elis

    Hamas soldier and Israeli solider face-to-face conversation on Israel-Gaza border caught on video

    Typicall JEW propaganda focusing on 1 exception to look good
  17. elis

    The Child-Murderer alias Al-Asshead kills 42 civilians in air strikes in Aleppo

    Where child murderer? You sacrifice the children to accuse the SAA, like you make satanist beheading rites to blame Allah
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