Yup.. thats a valid point... but the problem is getting the US congress to accept it as well. These days, no matter what obama does in this country.. people seem to have disagreements.
But its definitly a step forward.. good luck.
I agree that these rebels must be dealt with firmly.. but we surely do not want a Taliban movement or LTTE movement in India. Using army against our own people could have some serious repercussions.
These guys are living in extreme poverty, with nothing else to hold on to.. you kill a child's...
Thanks for your remarks. And you do sound like a reasonable voice here. I agree with you and urge you to read my original post. I too was referring to peaceful existence and prosperity in the region. But some comments made by a fellow netizen earlier made me throw my better judgement aside. O...
India's space program is 100% indigenous, infact it is bringing revenue stream back to country. As far as nuclear sector is concerned.. with civilian nuclear treaty in place , India is already in process of investing billions in energy independence sector.
Will "1" Shaheen be good to wipe entire country? or 2 ? or 3? Its not about the "reach" its "HOW MANY" you can fire... on the other hand.. 1 Agni or 2 Agni is more than enough for 80% of your cities.
Damn it.. look what you have done... you are making me think like you now.. It is...
Dude.. Honestly.. you think India will even allow pakistan a single stike? forget 90.. :D LMAO
India has far superior capabilities (PAD, BMD) as far as detecting a threat in advance and neutralizing it.. make no mistake about it. How much landmass does pakistan have as compared to India? well...
Its understandable.. but I am yet to understand "Why" is there a perception with pakistani population that India will try to "Invade" their country? what has india to gain from it? when has india tried doing it?
In todays world, Its all about growth and prosperity within india. Our people...
Kudos.. its good for entire region. I think it will attract some healthy competition in this sector and bring more business to South east asia. We should be looking at ways to prosper not just as individual countries but as whole region.. just like you are living in a posh neighborhood...
There is a good reason why entire world views pakistani nuclear arsenal differently.... because you seem too anxious to use it. With power comes responsibility. Have any other "nuclear armed" country flaunted the idea of using nuclear weapons in an event of conflict? While India is committed to...