The UN without China was an illegal UN. It was just another NATO at that time.
Kill milions of its own people? I guess you are accusing U.S. government of the holocaust to the American natives, right? LOL. And Snowden would tell you what is the true freedom of America.
You need to do some homework when you know nothing about it. Xinjiang is "their" land? Check out how many years the Uyghur ethnic group exists and when Han people took control of Xinjiang! And WTF of " Eastern Turkish"? Can terrorists create a ethnic group by themselves?
Economy is just one thing and Xinjiang is actually developing well in this a few decades. You know what, when those people get richer, they go abroad to accept terror training and organize more attacks. So the extreme thoughts or beliefs are the roots of evil. And China government must make some...
Of course I appreciate the chance, but it does not mean I have to love U.S. They are two different things. Freedom?How about PRISM? Yeah, you would say CCP also have that kind of things so Chinese people have no right to blame US. Bla bla... But there is a logic here: isn't US such a democratic...
Really. Feifei is always feifei...Have to admit that the IQ, or more technically, the vision of people from different countries are really different.
Well, anyway, it's up to you. It's really not my responsibility to educate you after all.
"i guess i should thank you from proving our point that china is the enemy of mankind"
You or your country represent for mankind? LOL. Your master cannot do that, not to say his watch dog. Oh , watch puppy I mean...
I am not sure when US would break up, but an American here told me that in law you have the rights to choose to break up. Then that is only a problem of time.
You support Philippines to fire at an unarmed fishing boat in a public sea area. No problem, US is such a country with glorious FREEDOM...
Whom do you think you are to stand for mankind? If counted by demographics, China may stand for one fifth of the world. How about you then? hahahah~~~~I am not a racist in daily life but I really doubt the IQ of filipinos now~~~
Most blames on China are unfair and full of prejudice. "Why China has disputes with Japan, India, Viet and Philippines at the same time? It must be China's fault." Don't you think this kind of judgement is so funny and lack of any logic? What do you think we should do then? Give up the...
The first part is not unrealistic at all, but can be approached on any day. As to a military alliance, China is impossible to form military alliance with any country in 30 years. Since we've been strong enough to protect ourselves and has no need to interfere other countries politics.
Boycott the whole China community in the world? Wow, welcome! You know as a mainlander, we really feel disgusted to blame filipinos as murders and behave like victims although that is the truth. We don't need your apology, not to say 'mercy'. We just act. Anyway, we actually show enough...
Strained? Yes for Tokyo, but not for Hanoi apparently.The relationship between nations is a quite complex thing. You need to know China and Japan against each other not only because of the territory disputes. By the way, it is just amazing to see Japanese prime minister visiting around the...
Wait, u gotta be kidding, right? What kind of progress are you making in the last several decades? Developing from the most prosperous country in southeast Asia or even the whole east Asia in 1950's to one of the poorest right now? And you telling us China is not doing so well with nothing good...