Food and energy is what we all depends on , east has plenty of it west only invade and steal
The only thing Europe can grow is potatoes except some exceptions
Dude are u a freaking bot, I haven't seen u talking u just post Russian loses through twitter
I don't know what you are high on, listen on ex Israel prime minister he insured zelenskie life from Russia after that he came online and said I'm not afraid , he even said the west interrupted...
About Time Russia should look towards east rather than the west with no resources at all . East is rich in resources should work with Russia to exploit it's resources to benefit it's citizens . Say no to west hegemony
Oh yeah small tiny drones screwd Iranian oil refinery ,irgc headqarter and Iran ammunition factory
I believe it's taqqiya u are practising to releif your pain
I ordered some stuff from AliExpress Chinese sits , they are so good quality at such a low price then I realise there's no way west can compete with chin
I don't know what Iranians make of it, it was really bold of Israel to inflict such damage on Iran , I seen videos lots of sky height fire . I hope Iran don't use hizbullah as retaliation to detroy Lebanon further
Imagine Israel and Iran destroy each other and the world finally have peace .
He went to his father grave at night he heard those scary voices. It could be some animal
Muslims have a belief that sinners are first punished in grave for some sins and then in the hereafter
Where as prophet didn't talk about the grave punishment of this world it's another world that's...
I think it's about time Russia starts using tactical nukes, what do y exoext the USA would do, mutual assured destruction? Once all that is clear In Ukraine , china can easily take care of the rest
Ukraines third army, Russia has destroyed two armies of Ukraine already , now west are building it third time with new weapons (heavier and more advanced) new soldiers (mostly conscripts) to push against might Russian invasion looming around bakhmut .
What if Ukraine lost it's third army too?
17 Russian bombers in air in Ukraine :/ where are those anti-aircraft missiles which Ukraine got from half the world
Ukraine is being bombed to stone age at the moment by Russia bombers planes
U believe in this shit ? No wonder u people don't know what's going on outside US
What most people fail to see how Russia had adapted and improvised it's weapon to match with ukraines donated western weapons , earlier Russians were firing unguided artillery now they are using gps guided...